As much money as he had, Roxas was still pretty pleased with himself. It had been a while since he got a haul this large. Ophelia and Jax looked happy too, but Morthos looked like he could have cared less. Ophelia went off to do her own thing and Roxas asked if she wanted him to come with. She said no, but kissed him on the cheek. A little disappointed, he turned and looked at the others. Jax told Morthos to not be a stranger and he nodded and went his own way. She looked over at Roxas and told him the complete opposite. Joking obviously. Roxas cracked a smile and laughed a bit. [color=0054a6]"I'm kinda dating your sister for life. You wont be able to get rid of me."[/color] They both shared a laugh then went their own way. Roxas slowly made his way back to his house, buying essentials on the way. He stopped and looked at the weapons for a bit then decided to buy a new one. [color=0054a6]"Hey Reggie got anything new and my style?"[/color] Roxas said as he entered. [color=82ca9d]"Let me take a look. I might be able to find something for you."[/color] Reggie disappeared into the back for a few minutes only to return empty handed. [color=82ca9d]"Sorry Roxas, but if you want something newer than you already have you'll have to custom order it."[/color] Roxas looked frusterated, but nodded and left. Nothing new today. It didn't take to long to get back to the house. It was still in the same order he left it in. Clean and ready for guests that would never come. The only people ever to come into his house were his new found team. Thinking about them made him smile a bit. It was nice to been needed and in a group he could trust again. That happiness was short lived though. Seconds after putting his bags down, his head started to pound. Roxas grimaced and fell to one knee. The pain was extraordinary and it almost made him throw up on the spot. Before he could though, he got up and ran to his bathroom. It couldn't have been timed better, but as he entered the bathroom and lifted the toilet seat, vomet started to come out. Luckily it all made it into the toilet, but it was violent. [color=0054a6]"So this is what we have to deal with now huh?"[/color] He said to Ifrit after he was done. He flushed, but stayed next to the toilet in case there was another episode. [color=ed1c24]"It wasn't great for me either. I may have my own feeling still, but whenever you have an episode like that, I feel it too."[/color] Ifrit grumbled. [color=ed1c24]"It's because of the other day. You used my power longer than you could handle. I'm a little surprised you didn't die."[/color] Roxas just laughed then groaned and winced as his stomach was hurting now too. [color=0054a6]"I'm tougher now. I think I can handle a little more."[/color] Ifrit just grunted then shut up. Withen the hour Roxas had thrown up four times and by the time he was finished the last time, it was all finished. After all that he walked over to the bed and laid down. He was exhausted after all that. The moment he had shut his eyes, they opened again and three hours had passed. It was still daylight, but it looked like the sun was going down. In that instance, Roxas knew something was wrong. [color=0054a6]"Who's there!?"[/color] He shot up, head still pounding. He may not be able to sense who was around, but he could always tell when someone was in the house. It only took a second for him to get up and grab a dagger, but not before looking in the mirror. He looked like death. That episode really did a number on him and if someone was here and dangerous, then he might not be able to fight them off. Thinking about it for a second, he sat down at the desk, placed the dagger on top, and opened one of the secret drawers underneath then pulled out an old and very rare [url=]revolver[/url]. He may not be able to fight hand to hand, but someone's taking a bullet.