[@Tristwich] A muffled explosion erupted nearby partially awakening Arex from his stupor. Smoke and fire had began spreading amongst the ranks of the undead. The same undead that nearly buried him. A firm hand caught him by the collar and heaved him to his knees, and it wasn't an undead. As he knelt, he came face to face with a short yet strong stumpy red haired man. He could barely make out the words flowing out of his heavily bearded mouth, partially because the ringing echoing in his skull and partially due to the thick unfamiliar accent. As a flaming corpse fell before them on a buckled knee, words or not, their path was clear. A soft [color=lightblue][i]whirrr[/i][/color] emanated from Arex's cybernetics as he stood and stretched. It was followed by a sharp sudden grinding screech and the faint blue glowing as small arcs of electricity danced across damaged and dysfunctional components. All in all he was still functional. Some precision, detailed or complex movement had been impeded but all general motions could still be carried out. He could still run and he could still swing a fist. So by overcharging his systems with hidden reserves of energy he found a new life and spurned on alongside the dwarf as they battled their way through the undead to the destination. Throwing corpses left and right Arex was a whirlwind of rage and raw physical strength, splitting skulls and cracking backs, he violently and relentlessly pushed on through like a man possessed. His Dwarven saviour would quickly notice and understand the signs of on setting fatigue. While Arex seemed impervious to the zombies and skeletons falling around them, his stamina could not and would not last. They had to get to safety and quick.