The creature launched its tendrils once more. As they snaked their way toward Ashe and Sam's position, the creature added another attack to the mix, as silvery arcs of lightning shot from its bodies and also tried to converge on the duo. This might have been a rather devastating blow, fortunately for the two friends it was at this moment that Sam's eyes shot open and he instinctively raised his broken blade to deflect the attack. Except... it was no longer his sword that he held in his hand. As his arm swung, there came with it a flash of light and then from that light a new weapon appeared and easily deflected the tendrils, and even absorbed the lightning arcs. The weapon was mostly blue, but possessed dark grey and bright teal highlights. It also didn't quite look like a sword. It had a hand guard that encircled the entire hilt rather than just stick straight out. The tip of the blade had sharp points that protruded backwards. And finally a short, thin length of chain extended from the edge of the pommel and connected to some kind of emblem-shaped trinket. The flash of light, the strange design, and most of all... the keychain. There was no mistaking what Sam now held in his hand. It was a [url=]Keyblade[/url]! "Is this what I think it is?" asked Sam, though he had little time for confusion. Acting on nothing but pure instinct, Sam jumped up and aimed the tip of his new weapon toward the creature. After a short charge, it fired off a salvo of small yellow orbs that spiraled away from the blade and then immediately homed in on the creature, colliding with it and appearing to damage it greatly. Once Sam's attack finished, his feet was back on the ground and he looked to Ashe with an expression of newfound confidence, "Looks like we finally got this thing on the ropes! C'mon, let's finish it off for good!" Despite having taken that nasty hit earlier, Sam didn't act worse for ware. Was it the Keyblade? Could the warmth of its light have given Sam more strength? In fact it seemed like the Keyblade's light was giving everyone around it a second wind. With Keyblade in hand, Sam dashed forward. The Creature tried to swipe at him with one of its hands but Sam nimbly jumped over it. The second he was close enough he made a good leap and put everything he had into another Blitz, hacking at the creature's face with another trio of jump strikes. With this and whatever attack Ashe hit it with, the creature finally... [i]finally[/i]... perished. It fell over, and seemed to melt into a pool of Darkness that then faded away into nothing. This battle appeared to be over. [@NobodiesHero]