[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/I59cB3y.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Time & Date Stamp: Jan 1st, 8:23 P.M. Weather: Snowy Location: Queen of Hearts Bar Interacting with: [u]Effie[/u] ([@ineffably]), [u]Ayla[/u] ([@Camey]), [u]Kaïte[/u] ([@Lumiere])[/b][/center] Giving a gentle smile to Kaite and leaving the quiet creature to it's meal, she glanced for a moment towards Ayla. Again, the reminder occurred to her, picking up on the tiny smile and [i]that[/i] particular tone. Suddenly Ardella could 'feel' herself blush slightly. It was something that had been programmed into her since her creation - those who had made her kind were very very particular in making sure each of their servants were as perfectly human as possible. At times she wondered what the purpose was compared to having human servants, though she had since surmised it was the advantages of having a tireless companion. Still, Ardella averted her eyes as soon as she knew she was blushing lightly and looked back to Effie. Nodding as Effie started the questions, she patiently waited until they were all asked and gave another glance to her fellow android. [color=4286f4][b]"My knowledge base is a combination of programmed knowledge and learned knowledge. I am one of fifty Servant Combat Androids and therefore my primary function was always service and protection of any Master or Mistress I had chosen to follow."[/b][/color] She paused, slightly hesitant to mention but continued anyways. [color=4286f4][b]"I do not require consistent connection to any server as my own memory banks are large enough to hold the knowledge of a full human adult. Which is rare, I understand, however my creation was extremely expensive and thus was afforded the latest in many technologies."[/b][/color] Again, she pondered and then just smiled softly, keeping a very polite and formal position.