[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/301690986252206080/380056308411400202/Rika.gif[/img][/center] After Max had left the diner, Rika doubled back to the diner to relax without being pestered by someone else, but when she arrived back inside, she noticed a couple others and a cold draft blew through her cloak and gave the former mummy a chill between her thighs, wanting to find some clothes and knowing she didn't have any. Rika chose to pull a 180 and turn around heading back out of the dining hall, she didn't know a place where she could get clothes, but after thinking and laying on the floor, she came up with an idea for getting some clothes or at least something to keep the area between her burned thighs warm. She got the idea of stealing the clothes from the dead people in the morgue, she felt that with her time away from the group, someone had to die, or someone did die, there had to be some dead person in the morgue with clothes. Rika pulled up her e-handbook she kept folded up in her cloak and began right swiping away at the map so far and noticed the morgue on the second floor. Not wasting her time to rob the corpses of the people who died during the game, Rika jogged to the second floor and after looking at the map for the second time she found the which room was the morgue, the room was tucked behind a couple other rooms and right next to the pod room, probably just in case if anyone died in the pods they wouldn't have to drag them too far. Her burned hands met with the morgue door, she tried to push the door open and put out thoughts that Aleecia could've ended up in here if the pod didn't help her. As she pressed herself up against the door, one of the others spoke on the intercom to make an announcement, they told everyone to meet in the dining area as soon as possible, well fifteen minutes, The voice almost hurt the holes that Rika considered her ears and decided that if this thing was important then clothes could wait. She headed back downstairs jumping down the steps with her bare feet touching the tiles as she moved to the dining hall again, she pushed the doors open dramatically and held her recorder up. "[color=Firebrick] Where is the fire?![/color]" A heavily automated voice spoke from the recorder."[color=firebrick] Something of Great importance was or is needed. So Arrival was made to... Insert location here and flip tape to the other side to continue.[/color]" Her recording played out fully. All she wanted was something to wear under her cloak so drafts wouldn't chill her to the bone, now this had to happen, it had better-been something really important, or the former mummy would take the clothes off someones back. From what it sounded like when she arrived someone left out, it turned out that the situation was a bit more important than she thought, from what Rika could tell, Alice one of the others didn't want to help in any way, Rika stepped up to them and played something on her recorder."[color=Firebrick]I Will give aid, I will help with the problem.[/color]" Rika stepped up to do whatever it was.