An older woman, somewhere in her sixties with a slight hunch, but cheerful brown eyes entered the aisle of her local grocery store. smiled at the teenager with the apathetic look on his face as he detachedly handed her a free sample of a new brand of cookie. She thanked him and walked away, eating it as she turned the corner. Once it was finished she straightened back up to around 6' tall, her gray bun retracting to a dark brown mop. Her shoulders broadened slightly and the wrinkles disappeared, revealing Wayne's "true" appearance. He patted his stomach and sighed. He had gone through about forty of the samples on his own, each time a different disguise. He doubted the teenager would have cared if he'd passed through as himself forty times, but it was more fun to think of new looks and personas. He walked back to the front of the store and actually bought a large bottle of water, downing the whole half gallon right in front of the stunned cashier before heading outside. All in all, a good snack. Once outside, he headed a few blocks down to the park. Finding his favorite bench, he shifted again, an old man with a newspaper this time, letting the mass in his body shift and change, turning part of his hand into a large, flimsy newsheet. It was a nice enough day, and here he could watch the whole park and waste a couple of hours deciding what else he could do today.