[@Major Sharpe] Will we be drawing up a map of Viexmeur at some point, or just playing it by ear as far as the geography goes? I only ask since we already have Montisle on the northwest coast, Laurensia in the northeast forests, Vrelan in the eastern mountains and Kam in the far eastern jungles and we all seem to be bunched up quite closely to one another. Will other provinces be more spread out, covering the other regions around the central Crownlands? If not, I could always move Laurensia to the south, and switch Carmella's associations to the Qazadi rather than the Foronians. Hilly forestlands along the Great River as well as the influence of Qazad's many religions would play well into the provincial spiritual beliefs, and the trade of spices and rare artifacts from the friendly south would work well for the residents' reputation as [s]swindling charlatans[/s] well respected merchants of antiquities and curios.