[h3]Meg's Rumours![/h3] 1. Before she got into the business of tomb raiding and treasure hunting, Meg had briefly joined a group of bandits. However, when she realized she would make more septims by taking them out, she easily killed them and claimed the reward. 2. One night Meg had gotten so drunk that she ended up canoodling with both the innkeeper and his wife. 3. For a while before her chance encounter with J'raij, Meg had adopted a young child from Riften. Unfortunately, said child was injured during a wolf attack. Not wanting to take any chances with their life, left the child to be taken care of in Riften orphanage instead. 4. When she was ten year old in Riften, Meg had picked her way into a shop and stolen a box of soul gems for a member of the Thieves Guild. 5. Meg experimented more than a few times with moon sugar.