[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5HQCuLr.png[/img] [h1]VS[/h1] [/center][center] [h1][color=fff257]Storm Bird[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1]And[/h1][/center] [center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Yukari Yozakura[/color], [color=1a7b30]Dulga Tarata[/color], [color=f6989d]Aegis[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h1]VS[/h1][/center] [center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171206/7b80a45525bbbbf8faac855d7219c63b.png[/img] [h1][color=ed145b]Tomoe Kishitmoto[/color][/h1][/center] As Kaida went to confront the other two Yukari ran n from a drain pipe, which hopefully would give Yukari the chance to blind them with her makeshift dirt bomb and bind them up. She really didn’t want to hurt anyone, but she wasn’t afraid to get physical with them. If she could wrap them up with the capturing cloth or the ring cuffs, that’s basically like beating them in a fight. When the footsteps grew close enough Yukari sprang out. She twirled rapidly through the air, her long pink twintails spiralling around her. In a flash the ball of dirt flew towards Jett but didn’t hit him. Instead it exploded right in front of him creating a dirt cloud, followed by two of the ring cuffs being thrown through the cloud to his chest and thighs. With any luck both would hit and Jett would be subdued but Yukari knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. She landed on her feet like a cat and took on her fighting stance. [color=bc8dbf]”Give up! I don’t want to hurt you but I’m not afraid to fight you!”[/color] Jett sighed when Kasuke went after Kaida, slightly relieved, but worried as well. He noticed the no nonsense look in her eye before he turned his gaze around to look for the others. He suspected Dulga wouldn’t be anywhere near them, as she was carrying a rifle. She would probably be trying to take people from a distance. It left Yukari or Momoru. Both difficult, especially more so without his quirk. But he hoped it wasn’t Yukari, he didn’t have anything that was really effective against her like a blade...even then that would be hard to use it on her. He got caught off guard as dirt suddenly hit the ground in front of him and exploded. His reflexes kicked in and he dove to his left, feeling something glance off his thigh as he barely dodged the two rings he didn’t see coming. He tucked and rolled, getting back to his feet effortlessly, He looked up to see Yukari landing and telling him to surrender. In his case, he didn’t have any real chance at beating her head on. She was rubber and any of his powerful kicks, or hit with his staff, or even his gun is basically worthless. He also knew she would just tie him up with her arms if he got too close. He couldn’t let Kasuke go against her as well, she had even less options than he. Jett took a few steps forward [color=007236]“Sorry Yukari, You know I can’t do that.”[/color] He did have a plan though, ever since finding out she was in his class, he thought about how he could defeat her. He did have a few times he could use, but he didn’t want to use them THIS early. He tapped the end of his staff on the concrete once to gain her attention before bolting past her, breaking his staff into two batons once again and diving through an open window, not expecting to see a dining table right there but rolled roughly over it and knocking the chairs over. He knew she would be right behind him and quickly made his way to the kitchen, quickly going for the one spot everyone put their cleaning supplies. Yukari didn’t visibly react when she heard Jett’s voice. She was a little bit scared. She liked Jett, but she couldn’t go easy on him either. Plus he knew what she could do and probably thought about how to fight her. Yukari hopes that he underestimates her, but she couldn’t underestimate him. When he tried to dive through the window she stretched out to grab at him but missed, instead grabbing the window still. She pulled herself inside the room just inches after Jett, and along the way pull out one of her flashbangs. She didn’t know what Jett was planning but she had a nasty surprise for him when she tossed the grenade onto the floor. She heard Jett rustling on the ground so Yukari tossed three of the ring cuffs, but only one was going right at him. The other two flew off to the side to catch Jett in case he tried to roll off to the side. Then the flashbang went off. From what she heard, Yukari always thought flashbangs just made really bright lights that blinded people. But now she also learned they made really loud noises too. [color=bc8dbf]”OW SHIT!”[/color] Yukari screamed as the explosion nearly popped her eardrums. She immediately fell to the ground clutching her ears in painful agony. She knew Jett was still here but she couldn’t hear him at all, and she only sort of smelled him in the same room. So she just started swinging her arms wildly hoping maybe she’d clip him with her hand and latch onto him. When Jett opened the cabinet under the sink, heard a clatter of a small metallic object thrown into the kitchen. [color=007236]“Oh...sh..”[/color] He didn’t have time to close his eyes as he was shocked Yukari would use such a device. With her own sensitivity to noise. The bang was deafening. Luckily he wasn’t looking directly at the flashbang, but still the light was blinding. And the force of concussion knocked him from his crouched position to his hip. His ears were ringing from the explosion, and everything seemed to slow down, muffled heavily. He heard a deep yell, mixed with his own. He reached out his hand to try and grab the counter when it was suddenly hit by something hard, wrapping itself around his left hand and pinning his fingers together. The hit of that hurt like hell, causing him to cuss. He looked back towards where he came from, everything was blurry, dark and constantly moving on it’s own. But he could see Yukari on her hands and knees flailing with one hand with some ring. Looking to his own hand he saw the same thing. Restraints. He fumbled with his other hand under the sink blindly and grabbed the item he was originally looking for. Ammonia. He knew this stuff was highly corrosive and irritating to skin and eyes, so he didn’t want to throw chemicals in her face. But he needed that foul smell. Squeezing the bottle to his chest with his right arm, and awkwardly gripped the lid with his right hand. He ripped it open and dumped some of it directly onto the ground between Yukari and himself, His eyes started to water at it as he at the same time scrambled to get up, looking like a drunkard as his balance was still suffering from the blast of the concussion. He crawled onto counter ungracefully. Now safe from immediate danger of being restrained he rested for a second, trying to get his wits about him. The smell hit Yukari as soon as Jett opened the bottle. Bleach, or some sort of strong cleaning chemical. She always hated that stuff, it was too much for her nose. She immediately pulled her arm back to cover her nose, but without her scent she was worse than blind, since she couldn’t hear anything either. Nothing but constant ringing. She at least knew where she was relative to the room, and could feel a breeze from the window. She wasn’t in a good situation right now though so it was time to retreat. She jumped out of the window and moved southish, mostly thanks to dumb luck. She grabbed her communicator and tried to contact Dulga and the others. [color=bc8dbf]”Ow ow ow ow…. Dulga-san, I… I can’t hear anything, but Jett, he’s in one of the buildings. Kaida is fighting Mina. I’m heading your way, I think, or maybe I should find Kaida?”[/color] Yukari said, somewhat confused. She was so hopeful for her first fight too. Pocketing her communicator Yukari shook her head and tried not to lose hope. [color=bc8dbf]”No, I have to keep fighting. I have to find Kaida. I can help her.”[/color] Though blind and deaf, she could vaguely smell Kaida’s scent to the east. Hopefully by the time she gets over there the ringing in her ears would be gone and she could help Kaida take out Mina. Even if it wasn’t Ezra or Jett, it would at least be one person less from Team A. Jett felt horrible using this dirty trick on her, but it had to be done. while she was fumbling to get out of the window, He got off the counter and picked up the lid to the ammonia and tightened it, stuffing it in his back pouch. He also picked up the two extra restrains she threw at him that were laying on the floor and added those to his pouch as well. Even though he didn’t have a key, they still could be useful. He then slipped both of his batons back into the sheath on his back before quickly following Yukari as fast as he could. He needed to get that key off of her to get this restraint off his hand. While it didn’t hinder him, it was extremely annoying, and sure to get in the way if he got in a tight spot. Dulga got Yukari’s message and sighed. She guessed that she had expected too much from just the two of them. [color=548b54]”You got that message Akasha? Let’s get moving.”[/color] Dulga slung her rifle over her shoulder and jumped out from the second story, landing on the ground with a solid thud before running northward. She had heard some sort of explosion up north, so she guessed that’s where Jett and Yukari was. Since they weren’t using lethals Dulga knew it had to be a flashbang, since it also made Yukari deaf. Dulga just wondered if it was Jett or Yukari who threw it. Either way Dulga had her shotgun out in case Jett was still nearby and ready to fight. [color=548b54]”Akasha, cover Yukari, I’ll take out Jett.”[/color] Mamoru followed Dulga out of the window, landing on her shield and rolling to her feet. [color=pink]”Awesome! And here I thought I’d be bored.”[/color] Mamoru raised her shield and ran ahead of Dulga, ready to intercept anything that might come in their direction. From what Mamoru heard Yukari was fighting Jett. Jett was crafty, he probably made a sound bomb or something to daze Yukari since trying to blind her normally wouldn’t work. It must’ve been pretty effective too if Yukari needed to ask for backup. Not wanting to leave her teammate exposed she picked up the pace. It wasn’t long before she spotted Yukari’s pink twintails trailing east. Mamoru guessed that since she was now both blind and deaf she didn’t know which way she was going. Still wary of the rest of Team A, Mamoru would go towards Yukari to protect her. Jett quickly caught up to Yukari, while still shaking off the effects of the blindness, and his equilibrium going back to normal, he still managed to find her. He hesitated for a moment, while he was sure she probably couldn’t hear him still, his trick with the ammonia was probably done now they were in the open. He couldn’t dump more on her because it wouldn’t really affect her as much as it did inside. He moved slowly, hoping the wind didn’t reveal his position as he slowly reached out and tried to slip his hand into the utility belt pouch to find a key. Yukari had been busy trying to ease the pain in her ears, quietly sobbing from the strain. She should have listened or asked someone how flashedbangs worked before she used them. She bet that Jett probably wasn’t even that badly affected. Sure enough, she felt someone trying to go through her pockets, likely Jett who no doubt was already back to fighting form, while she was still reeling from the shock. She didn’t seem to notice him at first and just kept walking forward, but soon her leg would shoot out between Jett’s legs and upward, basically striking him across the crotch. But that wasn’t the end of it; her leg would also start to wrap around his leg and down towards his knee, with the rest of Yukari’s body following. They had sat on their lookout spot for quite a while before Ezra had decided it had no use to sit here any longer, their ambush plan didn’t work out as good as they thought it would. No one had came since they started here so it was too guess that Ezra would lose his patience at some point with the timer still ticking. Tomoe kept happily being close to him and hugging and snuggling him with no care in the world. If it wasn’t for her clone she would have probably gone to someplace else already. Ezra mentioned for her to come with him, they descended down the slope together and were met by the side of the parking lot alongside the forest. Ezra led them through the forest part next to the parking lot. Open areas were a clear no. When they came till about the end they were met by two people running by them in the distance. Ezra pulled Tomoe under the bushes as well to hide from them and to see who they were as well. Appeared to be Dulga and Mamoru. When they passed they soon followed close after them. Tomoe thought they were trying to catch them so started to head after them even faster losing Ezra in the progress. She was in it alone while Ezra hide behind one of the bushes. After the distance was close Tomoe decided to do a tackle out towards Dulga full on although her weight wasn’t much the force she kicked her legs with possibly did some damage at least. It wasn’t easy to surprise Dulga, though admittedly she didn’t expect someone to actually somehow manage to get behind her. That being said the surprise was short lived. As soon as she felt someone hit her back Dulga’s hands grabbed the person in a vice grip. One arm around the neck, two locking the arms, and another right around the solar plexus to cut off air. Dulga was surprised to see it was Tomoe however. She didn’t seem like the type of girl to do something so reckless. But Dulga also figured that she wouldn’t do this if Ezra wasn’t nearby. She was probably just a distraction. However Dulga kept calm and raised her rifle at Jett. While he was busy trying to dodge Yukari and Mamoru, she fired two shots at him. One directly at his chest, and another that would hit his head if he doesn’t move. But if he tries to jump, it’ll probably hit his shoulders. Two loud shots echoed from Dulga’s rifle as she kept grappling Tomoe and then kept her senses out for Ezra, who’ll probably come and attack soon too. He was either going to go after Dulga to save Tomoe or try to help Jett since he was fighting alone. Either way they won’t have the element of surprise anymore. [color=pink]”Hey! Stop touching Yukari-chan like that Jett!”[/color] Mamoru shouted as she went for a drop kick from slightly above the shoulders. Excited for the fight Mamoru mentally ‘sync” up with Yukari. While she may be blind and a stranger to Mamoru, she wasn’t going to get in her way. Jett was going to be slippery, but even with his quirk he wouldn’t get away from both Mamoru and Yukari. Almost on instinct, after her kick Mamoru went low to avoid Dulga’s bullets as they went for Jett’s, though she also took note that it seemed like Dulga was fighting someone too. Mamoru couldn’t see who but she wasn’t going to leave her behind. [color=pink]”Naughty naughty! Taking advantage of a blind girl, for shame!”[/color] All the while, the entire battle, or most of it, could be observed from one particular spot of the battlefield: way above. [color=fff257]”Hmm…”[/color] The natural flyer of A-1, Acion Nakamiji, was smirking as he calmly read the battlefield situation. He noticed that team D was going to the lake for some reason. And they were together. A one versus many could be viable, but he ought to avoid it, unless he had the full advantage over them. Moreover, they appeared to be entering something...a tunnel? But going down on them now would be too late. For the situation of both A and B, they were taking out each other. Despite they were taking out each other as exactly as Acion had wanted, the fact that they were the last teams that remained outside was telling Acion that he should attack. Unlike his situation with Roy and team C, team B and A was out in the open. The environment was on his side. [color=fff257]”Alright. Let’s do this right.”[/color] His blitz tactic was about to be over after all. And he was confident that he could get out of this final one, alive. With that said, his holographic cameras shut down instantly, albeit his binocular was still on, as he began free falling. To a certain height however, he began twisting himself into dive bombing position, and began all the usual attacking procedures that he was so used to that it felt so natural to him. Jett wasn’t prepared for the kick to his groin. But thankfully he had it protected with a cup. It still jolted him, but he had to get away. She was already wrapping around his leg. He grabbed his mask from its pouch and quickly connected to his helmet. However he heard someone yell about stop touching Yukari chan like that. He didn’t have time to react as he was kicked from the left. He tried to catch himself stumbling to the side. But with Yukari wrapped around his right leg he tripped. Suddenly he heard two gunshots and something whistling by his head as he fell. Thanks to Mamoru and Yukari tripping him, the bullets Dulga shot at him missed him because of his fall, although it was just barely. He hit the ground and reached up with his left hand and slipped his finger under the Velcro and ripped it open, and slipped another finger through a pin and pulled it. While his other hand reached for his gun and pulled it from his holster, shooting from his hip trying to give mamoru no time to block it. After a few seconds a yellow gas spewed from Jett’s chest. Tear gas. While it normally blinded people so it was hard to see, it would still effect Yukari in the same sense for the burning it would cause. And the smell as well causing her to cough as the chemical would irritate her breathing. While at the same time it burned Jett’s own eyes, he had used it on himself so he was somewhat used to it. Yukari moved fast when she smelled something putrid in the air. She thought it was the bleach again so Yukari just went straight around Jett’s leg, wrapping around his knee and going inside of his boot. Her hands worked to undo his laces while her torso wrapped around his ankle and began to twist it. She was going to forcefully sprain his ankle, which hopefully will make him submit. And this way she could avoid the gas too, even if she has to smell jett’s smelly feet instead. If she could she’d also try to grab one of his toes and dislocate it, something she could easily do if she puts her full body into it. As Tomoe was trying to tackle down Dulga for fun she was quickly met by 4 fast moving and well coordinated arms. Tomoe glared at each of them in surprise for a moment as she tried seeing what was happening with her. Her arms were forced of Dulga her body with two of Dulga her arms letting her hang freely in the air from dulga her arms. There were two other arms, one wrapping around her neck immediately tightening. The other one went to quite a weird place, it was under her chest, the pushing hurted. Only now Tomoe came to realise that Dulga wasn’t in for games. This was a straight up fight, she understood. Her pupils shrunk down became way smaller than before as the corners of her mouth turned up. There was a crazy wicked smile on her face as she just stared at the back of Dulga her head. A soft chuckle sounded from her mouth showing that this clone wasn’t anything like Tomoe was before. Tomoe her arms shook lightly while she moved her own hands towards Dulga her arms that were around her neck and on her solar plexus. While she was chuckling it still sounded like she was having a lot of trouble trying to breath. More in the way that if she didn’t do anything now this life would be short lived. Tomoe got both hold on Dulga her arms and was able to just shift them a little so that she could at least breath. She muffled something under her shaky voice of using so much force on Dulga. [center]”Haaai.”[/center] Two bullets struck Mamoru before she could raise her shield to block the attacks. One hit her right on the right breast, which fortunately was armored, but still stung ?. The second struck her upper left thigh causing her to drop to her knee, but fortunately this also meant that she was in a smaller, more defensible position as the bullets bounced and dropped off her shield. Mamoru rolled away from the gunfire and away from the smoke, though she didn’t want that to stick around either. Putting some distance from Jett, Mamoru threw her shield right at Jett, aiming for his gun or at least arm, while she kept moving albeit mostly through dodge rolls as her leg was hurting like hell. Shortly after her shield hits something she’d recall it back to her hand and hide behind it. Nobody appeared to be noticing him or anything. Perhaps they were a bit too busy fighting, the girl with six arms, and those nearby. Acion did not pay attention to those guys. He tilted himself so that he was diving on the yellow smoke screen that was covering an entire area. He knew that he wasn’t able to strike precisely, but no one inside it would even notice him coming as well, or the feathers coming in. When he got low enough, the avian fighter span his whole body so that his wings would face them perpendicularly. And then, with might, with power, with strength, he flapped them, inertia sending dozens of sharp feathers down onto the thick smoke. And then he would turn his body around once again, back to his flying posture and soared upward. Jett looked back to Yukari as Mamoru pulled back as she managed to get her upper body into his boot. As weird as it was he knew the only thing to get her off was a flare in his vest. He awkwardly pulled it out and broke the seal on the ground, but as soon as he did, a shield came out of nowhere and slammed into his forearm, managing to hit in between the carbon steel plates of his armor and causing him to scream in pain and send the flare flying to his right. He rolled a few feet, holding his arm to his chest, now at the mercy of Yukari. But even before that could happen Jett suddenly felt a couple points on his body suddenly get stuck with something. His shoulder, a thigh and his chest all had metal feathers sticking out of them. Yukari squeezed and crushed Jett’s foot as hard as she could, feeling him resisting her as she twisted her flexible body around him. She tighten herself around his knee too, hoping that the pain would keep him at bay. But what she didn’t expect was something stabbing into her legs. She couldn’t see what it was, but it felt like someone had driven needles into her calf. She wasn’t sure if it was Jett or someone else, but in that moment she torqued Jett’s ankle before curling her body close, a hand slipping out to pull the feathers from her leg. [color=bc8dbf]”Ah! That hurts!”[/color] Watching over the exercises through the monitor proved to an interesting experience for the group in the communications room. It seemed as though the students were not as reckless as the day before and they evaluated their actions thoroughly. Pivoting his head, L guardian looked towards the monitor on his left squinting his eyes as he saw Jett in a tight spot. Caught in the teeth of team B, he smirked watching the boy fight for his life. A prime example of why he stressed teamwork in this exercise because one slip up and you can be caught out by the enemy. The man watched with not emotion as Mamoru slammed her shield into the boys arm getting a gruesome reaction out of the young boy. At the rate things were going Jett would be out of commission and no one would be able to come to his rescue at the moment. Mina was recovering while Ezra and Tomoe were caught up in a battle with Dulga. Looking out the corner of his eye, he could sense Mrs. Haven tensing up as she watched her baby boy get pummeled. Adriane was impressed at first at Jett’s quick thinking in the House, using the ammonia against Yukari. How ever she though he was stupid for trying to get the key from her out in the open. He should have tried inside house. Her hands were white as they were balled into fist watching as her son got instantly surrounded by three enemies. Manda tried to calm her down with a hand on her shoulder, she too was worried for the boy. While she could see he was putting up a hell of a fight with his quick thinking, he simply was just being overpowered after that flash bang. If he had his quirk working, she was sure that it would have been a completely different Scenario. When the strife came down, Adriane couldn’t hold it in anymore as she slammed her fists into the console. Yelling at the screen. [color=f6989d]“GET OUT OF THERE!”[/color] She saw the pain in her boys eyes even before the strafe. What was his team doing? Why weren’t they helping him!? L guardian simply sat in silence as Adriane released some of her anger. It seemed as though Jett was disadvantaged from the beginning excluding his quirk situation. Team B were made up of a bunch of students who excelled in close combat with extraordinary defensive abilities. Dulgas multiple arms and herculean strength, Kaidas toughs scales, Mamoru's steel body, and Yukari’s elasticity makes this somewhat of a nightmare match up for team A who all are great in close combat offensively. Once Adriane snapped and slammed her fists into the console a strange beep came out of the system, immediately L guardian stood up lashing out at the woman. [color=f7941d]“Calm yourself! You let your anger get the best of you and placed your son in an even worse condition now”[/color] Which was true, it seemed like she had deployed the training robots and not just any. These were the ones used for much more advanced training. 8 of them were released and each of them the size of a home. The students on the grounds could here the sounds of large gate opening from the North and the west as the robots flanked the two teams. The machines were also armed with capture weapons, smoke grenades, and rubber bullets to restrain their targets. The ones coming from the west had much more of a distance to travel than the ones from the north. Mr.Yoshida contacted Isshin was overseeing the battle immediately, [color=f7941d]“The students are two zoned into their battles to realize what is coming so if things go too far I want you to step in” [/color] The small robotic group of four split off into pairs, two coming up from behind Ezra and Tomoe while the other pair was heading straight in Jetts direction. Outside they could hear it bulldozing over trees stepping through the empty homes. Adriane placed her hand to her mouth as Yoshida told her what she did her anger all gone but worry on her face now. Cursing herself as she watched Jett wince in pain and grab his leg. With the robots coming and coming right for him. She hoped he would be safe. She felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. Manda saying softly [color=2e3192]"He's going to be fine Adriane.."[/color] Kaida came running but honestly she got lost for a bit. She heard gunfire and ran towards it. She could hear Jett yell in pain as she rounded the corner, only to see him in a cloud of yellow smoke. She didn't see yukari on his leg, but she saw Mamoru kneeling, looking like she was hurt. Suddenly she saw Acion throw his feathers at Jett while he was in a ball basically on the ground. She couldn't help but get angry and she ran to the side, watching Acion closely as he did a few more flyby’s before she prepared herself. Crouching down she took a few moments to breath before putting all her strength into a jump appearing suddenly in front of Acion. As she tried to grab hold of him. The winged man was way concentrating on the target that as he was about to do his second strafe, a silhouette of a girl suddenly dragged him off-guard. And not just any normal silhouette, but the one that was jumping way into his flight path. The girl had long silver hair, just like her sister. Acion suddenly jerked out of pure instinct, but slammed into Kaida anyway. The unexpected weight redistributed his centre of gravity, and he was in no shape to deal with it in time, as he went down onto the ground at a high speed, along with Kaida who was latching on him. His face was spared, but his ribs and torso was struck pretty bad by the crash. But thanks to his acrobatic ability, he managed to stand up after a few flips and drifts on the concrete ground. If he hadn’t got the armor on, it would have been a lot worse. [color=fff257]”Tch…”[/color] Acion growled annoyingly at how he got brought down so easily. But the confident smile somewhat returned to him, as he took a glance at Kaida. [color=fff257]”Heh, I feel more entertained now. A bit more entertained.”[/color] Kaia grunted at Acion flying straight into her. She was ready for it but still it knocked the wind out of her. She held on as long as she could but hitting the ground unlatched her. She grunted each time her body rolled and bounced on the concrete. Part of her clothes scraping away from the hard ground. She did land on her feet finally though as she skidded to a stop. She looked at Acion who was smiling at her. Saying he is more entertained now. As she stood there, part of her scales along the side of her hip could be seen. And a little bit on her arms. [color=440e62]“I'm sure shooting people in the fetal position is less entertaining than fighting someone face to face.” [/color] [color=fff257]”Sure. It isn’t an honorable deed I have to admit.”[/color] He replied, his eyes rolled a bit, while he ripped off a feather from his wing. [color=fff257]”Thank you for that. Now that all the chivalrous issues have been resolved, let us begin.”[/color] Looking at Kaida and her scales, it appeared that her quirks were some kind of reptilian-related. But she was quite fast, managing to catch him off-guard like that. Flying up would be quite a bad idea, since she wasn’t too far from him. She could jump onto him or maybe attempt something unexpected. He did not have the momentum to go upward now. But he could if he could bypass her once. Acion suddenly crouched on his one knee, his wings in standby. Remembering vividly that Kenichi once attempt this once, he dashed towards Kaida with all the might of his strong leg. Sudden adrenaline rushed to him as the pain from the previous fight with Roy, specifically the time he slammed his leg onto the red hot ball, resurfaced. His strong wings also acted as accelerator, as he pushed forward. The ripped off feather from his wing, now lied firmly on his left hand in reverse grip acted just like a knife, as he would take advantage of the speed to slash her. And if she just let off for one second, he could simply soar up the sky again. When Acion crouched, Kadia copied him. But she didn't sprint towards him but only braced herself to grapple him. Her eyes flashed yellow as she raised her hands up and grabbed him. The shock of the hit would cause the knife to cut the clothes just above her chest revealing even more black scales that the feather glanced off of. She also slid back a few feet holding Acion back. It was a sight to behold seeing this little girl of 5 feet stop a bigger boy in armor in his tracks. She would then grip his armor and throw him to the side between some buildings. Trying to make sure she got him away from an open area. The throw created a momentum that could have allowed him to soar to the sky, but as he regained his composure, the silver-haired girl immediately followed him. So instead of using the momentum to fly up, he pummeled his six wings deep into the ground, halting him in his tracks. Turning to Kaida, as she was heading for him, he made a horizontal flinging of feathers before preparing to brace her incoming attack. Or rather, brace to deflect any incoming attack. Looking at her face as she was about to clash with him. A cut on her face, radiated with her determined and burning violet eyes. It reminded him of his sister. [color=fff257]”I look forward to this!”[/color] Kaida didn't dodge as most of the feathers glanced off her scales, she did however raise an arm to protect her eyes. Feathers wizzed under her arm and sliced her fair skin in a few places. When she lowered her arm her gold eyes had returned as she growled in a low animalistic growl and reared back, punching Acion in the shoulder with all her force. Breaking his shoulder guard into four pieces and a loud pop could be heard as his arm dislocated. She also used the momentum of her body to knock into him. It was then she heard Dulga say retreat. Coming out of a trance almost she looked down at herself and realized her scales were showing. She quickly turned and ran into the closest house and found a bed with some white sheets. Quickly throwing it over her like a makeshift cloak. Acion anticipated her incoming attack. As she zoomed in on him, he raised the knife with his left hand. He lifted it up and down, trying to adjust to where she might be hitting. But inexperience with swordsmanship simply turned back and punished him, as the knife he thought that would block Kaida’s blow turned out to miss it by a few centimeters. A few. That number turned deadly, as that punch he could have blocked smashed straight into the shoulder of his other arm. He could feel his bone popping, being blasted out of its original position. [color=fff257]”Argh!”[/color] He yelled, as she continued to bring forward with the punch. To prevent any more damage being done, he simply turned his body around, to let Kaida simply pass by him. And braced for another attack like that. Which never came. His eyes widened in surprise as she unexpectedly ran into the house nearby. He was expecting something more threatening than that. Her scales were a lot more apparent than before, revealing some skins and so on. But this was his chance. She gave him one huge moment to fly without any obstacle. And he took it without any hesitation. While still gripping on the dislocated shoulder, he mightily spread his wings and propel him upward, like a helicopter. He should not linger long here. His plan to bomb the two teams was in complete jeopardy once he got grounded. And once he did so, he could be ganged up by anyone and everyone. [color=fff257]”God.”[/color] What is that? What the fuck is that? Giant robots? More the reason for him to get out of there. Acion immediately flew to the east to avoid the other members of team B. Once escaped out of there, he would head down south for the point. His team should have been there any moment now. [color=548b54]”Stop struggling.”[/color] Try as she might, Tomoe wasn’t going to get out of this easily. Even if she put enough pressure on Dulga’s arms to prevent her from choking the girl out Dulga still had a firm grip on Tomoe. Knowing that Ezra was already lining up his shot, Dulga kept moving, positioning Tomoe’s body to intercept any shot Ezra might throw at her. However in the distance, the sounds of the robots approaching made Dulga silently curse her luck. First her team fails to isolate a member of Team A, and now robots were on their way. The teachers probably released them just to make sure students didn’t wait outside of the auditorium for the rest of the students to take eachother out. It was time to retreat and regroup. As Dulga ran towards her team she spotted Acion in the air. Dulga knew that he was alone, but she wasn’t so certain if other teams might’ve followed him. Kaida grounded him so he wasn’t an immediate concern, instead she spoke over the communicators to the rest of her team. [color=548b54]”Retreat and regroup.”[/color] She said simply as she heard the machines in the distance coming closer. Maybe with any luck, the robots could attack Team A. But dulga couldn’t rely on luck. As she ran towards the tear gas Dulga squinted her eyes as the chemicals burned her eyes, noticing Jett’s body on the ground. She wasn’t sure if he was knocked out or just taking a breather, and Dulga debated slamming Tomoe onto him. However she had no time for such foolishness, though just to make sure Jett didn’t end up asphyxiating himself in this tear gas, Dulga grabbed him by his boot. Then so that she didn’t slow herself down, she tossed Jett and Tomoe through the front door of one of the nearby houses. Hopefully that would take them both out, but if it doesn’t then it should at least hurt. Jett went flying first, smashing through the door and rolling like a rag doll, slamming into the wall. His boot in Dulga’s hand. She then noticed Yukari was somehow in his boot. Dulga didn’t question it however and just tossed Tomoe after Jett, then went to Mamoru. [color=548b54]”Akasha on your feet and with me. Let’s find Kaida.”[/color] Tomoe her hopeless attempt to get loose from Dulga was to no avail. Her back was hurting a little from the bullets having hit her back, there were multiple blue dots on her back when you tried looking under her shirt. She did manage to kick her arms a few times to get her aim with her sniper a bit off balance but she did not seem affected by it in the slightest. Dulga her strength did not seem to fade either seeing how she maintained the strength at all time. Tomoe did have another trick up her sleeve though, she let go off Dulga her arm of her solar plexus and moved it up towards the one holding her neck. With all her strength she tried making a gap between her neck and Dulga her arm. When she got as far as that she would bite into her arm with all her strength clearly showing off that not all her strength was hiding in her limbs. She could not breath however, if she could just bite through it would be enough for her to take on the other arm after this. She bit as hard as she could while she still had the time, both her arms locking Dulga her arm into place as her breath slowly faded. When they ran through the tears gas Tomoe still had her eyes full open, it burned. Tears fell from her eyes as she widely opened her mouth trying to grasp for air. Dulga changed the positions of her arm on Tomoe her neck and under her chest to somewhat carry her. She was thrown over the head of Dulga, her hands slipped away from Dulga her arms as she was being launched after Jett into the doorpost of the house. She could not see much but she knew she was soaring through the air upside down. The hit of her legs hitting the door post definitely made her realise. The wooden doorpost broke before she painfully landed on Jett his downed body. Tomoe immediately sat upright rubbing the back of her head a little as tears were still falling from her eyes. She softly rubbed both of them a little but the burning did not go away that easily. There were cuts all over her legs and arms, there was suppose to come blood out of them but they were different. The cut was there but the inside only seemed to exist of a dreamy like universe, pink with yellow stars floating around definity giving away that she wasn’t human. Some of her clothing seemed a little ripped as well. Tomoe felt that she was sitting on something soft, she turned over to see Jett beneath her. Yukari’s grip on Jett had loosen just a bit as she nursed her leg. It was bleeding just a bit, nothing too serious, but it hurt. Suddenly she felt something strong wrap around Jett’s boot and Yukari braced for impact. But to her surprise she wasn’t crushed. Instead, Jett was flung out of his boot, giving Yukari much more space to move around while hanging on for dear life. She stayed hidden inside the boot until the smell of the tear gas was away, and once she could take a breath of fresh air that’s when she smelled Dulga extremely close to her. [color=bc8dbf]”Dulga-san? Is that you?”[/color] Yukari asked rather loudly, as her ears were still ringing. She probably couldn’t hear the response either, but if it was Dulga Yukari would stick with her for now. She couldn’t do anything in her current state. Having taken cover behind her shield Mamoru was bracing her leg to charge at Jett when she heard Dulga stomping over. In a few deft movements she had flung Jett inside of a house, and Tomoe too. Mamoru also had something big and stompy in the distance, but Mamoru wasn’t really paying any attention to that. Dulga had given them orders to retreat but Mamoru didn’t want to. Finally, all the action was coming to her! This was the moment she’s been waiting for! [color=pink]”Aw, why? We can totally stand our ground here! The four of us together! I mean, Jett looks like he’s KO anyways, and Tomoe doesn’t look too pretty either. I’m sure Kaida took care of Mina too, so now all we need to do is take out Ezra!”[/color] Rubbing her head Dulga gave Mamoru and stern glare, but otherwise didn’t lay a hand on her just yet. [color=548b54]”Yozakura needs medical attention and the proctors just sent robots after us. This is not a defensible position, especially not with the rest of Team A and Acion here. We need to regroup and head into the school,”[/color] Dulga pointed towards the school building in the distance. [color=548b54]”We can defend ourselves better there. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be a hero? Helping others first is more important than fighting.”[/color] With all her hands free Dulga drew both her rifle and shotgun, and loaded two more bullets into her shotgun. [color=548b54]”Now let’s go save Kaida.”[/color] Almost on cue, Kadia came running out of a house next to the one Jett was thrown in. Her newly acquired cloak billowing out behind her. [color=440e62]“Where we retreating to?” [/color]She asked coming up to The others… looking at Dulga holding jetts boot oddly. More so to see Yukari in it. Mamoru shrugged. Dulga wasn’t wrong, and Mamoru couldn’t really see any flaws in her logic. Mamoru supposed that it might just be because she was restless, but if Dulga had a good idea then Mamoru wasn’t going to go against it. When kaida showed up Mamoru waved at her and gave her a Victory sign. [color=pink]”We thrashed some Team A guys! But Dulga says that robots are coming and we need to head to the school to defend it or something. Are you alright Kaida-chan? You look like you had a fun fight!”[/color] Dulga nodded to Mamoru when Kaida asked where they were going. [color=548b54]”What she said. Let’s get moving.”[/color] Dulga took point as she dashed towards the school building. In the distance she could see the mechs on their way and Dulga’s eyes looked serious. Rubber bullets weren’t going to put a dent in those things. It would be dangerous, but she was going to need to use live ammo. And the heavy calibers too. [color=548b54]”We go in and head to the top floor, staircase only. I don’t want us to have to fight in an elevator.”[/color] [color=bc8dbf]”Dulga-san? What? I can’t hear you.”[/color] Yukari got out of Jett’s boot and ran alongside Dulga and the others. She could tell that they were speaking but she couldn’t make out the words. It was all so buzzed and jumbled. It just all sounded like muffled whispers. [color=bc8dbf]”Where are we going? What happened to Jett, and Kaida and Mina? And is that an earthquake?”[/color] Yukari could feel the vibration of the robots with each step. Yukari had no idea how or why they’re here but she didn’t have a good feeling about it.