[hr][hr] [center][color=#DB7093][h1]Adeline Wilson[/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/5ql7tdaIrlIUU/giphy.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Front Gates; The Academy. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Her driver.[/sup][/color][/center] [hr][hr] It felt… strange… Biting down softly upon her lower lip as she felt the car slowing to a stop, Adeline turned her head, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly from one another as her attention was brought to where she could feel the door pressing against her arm, her beautiful though ever unseeing light blue eyes staring out the window and up at what she could only imagine was her actual destination. The academy… it felt strange to be here without either of her parents at her side, and she couldn’t help but to feel nervous, her stomach fluttering with butterflies. Why couldn’t her father come with her..? Or her mother..? It hadn’t been very long since she had said her goodbye’s to them at the San Francisco airport, or at least, that’s how it felt to her anyway… The nerves continuing to bubble away within her stomach, she turned her head down, her brows furrowing out of worry as her fingers lightly began to play with the hem of her dress, the sound of the door opening beside her causing her to jump in her seat. She had been correct; they had arrived at the academy… a new chapter in her life ready to be opened and explored; and if that was the case, then why was it that her parents had been so reluctant to accept the invitation when it had first been extended to her..? Lifting her head up as she felt a warm touch brushing lightly against her hand, she couldn’t help but to hesitate; was this really what she wanted..? [b]“Miss. Wilson..? We’ve arrived at the location your parents advised me to bring you… are you sure that this is where you need to be..?”[/b] It was a simple question… but one that, right now, was loaded. Was this where she wanted to be..? Or did she simply want to go home… be with her parents… right now, she wasn’t so sure what she wanted… The feeling of soft fur brushing up against her flesh caused her mind to come back to the present, her attention drawn to the young though energetic canine as he hurried to climb over her, quickly jumping out of the car forcing the driver to hurry after him with the leash leaving her sitting on her own. It seemed now, she had no other choice… her dog had inadvertently made it for her. Shifting her body slightly, Adeline reached out towards the door, her hands resting against the frame to help her out of the car and back to her feet for what was the first time in what felt like hours… first the plane, and then the car… the journey felt never ending… [color=#DB7093]“..o-oh, no… I want to be here. You brought me to the right place, please don’t worry about that…”[/color] Reaching out towards where she could hear him wrestling with her dog, she took pause, waiting until she felt him take a hold of her hand before she began to move, allowing the man to lead her up the curb and over the path, only coming to a stop once she was stood in front of the large iron fence they had pulled up in front of. [b]“Your parents wished me to remind you that your luggage has been sent ahead of you, and should already be waiting in your dorm room… now, is there anything else I can do for you Miss. Wilson..? I’d hate to leave you alone-...”[/b] [color=#DB7093]“It’s okay; I understand. You’re very kind, but I assure you, there is no need to worry about me sir. I do believe I’m not the only one who is meeting here this morning.”[/color] Smiling sweetly as she cut him off, she nodded her head lightly in understanding, her hand lifting up to lightly brush the small stray strands of her long bubblegum pink hair back and off her face, neatly tucking them back behind her ear- he was concerned about her… not that she could blame him; most people tended to worry about her… [color=#DB7093]“..it’s the first day of school for us; I’m just-... I’m just a little nervous, that’s all…”[/color] Her hands curling gently to take a hold of the leash as it was handed to her, Adeline tilted her head lightly to the side as a comforting pressure was placed upon her shoulder, the excited dog moving about, making his way back and forth around her legs as he sniffed around at all the new scents. Breaking a single hand away from the lead as she felt the weight lifted from her shoulder, she lifted it up, giving a small wave in the man’s general direction as the sound of the engine starting once more hit the air before eventually, it was gone altogether. Her smile fading somewhat, she dropped her head once more, her long and wavy pink locks falling forward and over her shoulders as she did so, the woman making giving no sign that she was going to be moving from her place anytime soon- sure, she had gotten out of the car… but she still wasn’t sure if she wanted to go in, or just go home…