[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] Current Temp - 59F Roads - Icy patches, melting, walkers Downtown Newnan - Shitstorm 2.0 (And you thought the Zomnado was bad...) Buglout Meeting Locations - Arnco Mills, Sharpsburg, Moreland Group 1 - Hoardbuster (Ash, Niesha, Riley) Group 2 - Tiffany and Jack Group 3 - Ray, Amelia, Sam Group 4 - Thana, Thalia, Alex Group 5 - Gavin, Beatrice, Lola Maps have been updated below. Blue is snow, red is walkers. Remember, 1 dot does not mean 1 walker. Larger the red area the more walkers. (It is a sliding scale depending on how much I had the map zoomed in when I made them, I will let you know as you come to them.) - Remember to get Sanity checks if you have not gotten the all clear as of yet. (I believe the only one left is Ash currently.) Now, below are our new maps.... [center]Group 1 - You have walkers coming up from behind the Hoardbuster. Can see them in the side mirrors. Only a few at the front of the truck currently but that could change quickly as part of the group that was headed towards Newnan has been distracted by that large monstrosity known as the Hoardbuster. [img]https://image.ibb.co/gVUbMw/Group1.jpg[/img] Group 2 - 3 walkers to currently deal with. Two are going for Jack, one is going for Tiffany. [img]https://image.ibb.co/minVgw/Group2.jpg[/img] Group 3 - Currently the closest walker to you 3 is at least twenty feet away with snow and fallen forest debris in the way. [img]https://image.ibb.co/eq4bMw/Group3.jpg[/img] Groups 1-3 - You are on Cases. PM Each other to start/pick up for this next round. You are on 10 day counters from the time of this post, remember the next person that was up when the collab got cut is the 1st person up this round. Groups 1/2: finish posting your current collab ASAP, it is STILL on last rounds counter. Group 3: Start a new PM to me since you are bringing in a new member to the group. (Slayer, quick run down of how this works... 3 of you will work in a join pm with me, each will get a turn and need rolls before you reply just like any normal post. Difference is your reply is short, quick, and you paste it in with theirs as their turn comes up. Nal, you are up next with Ray, so start the new pm please between the 4 of us.) Groups 4-5 - We are as per normal and are on personal counters. No cases for us as of yet. [color=ed1c24][i][b]REMEMBER TO CALL YOUR SKILLS WHEN YOU GO FOR ROLLS OR TO UPDATE ME SO YOU GET YOUR BONUSES!!![/b][/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a32395e038a138b75f029902bcc93962/tumblr_inline_mp2rjltm7S1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Truck [b]Skills: Redneck Vehicles[/b][/center][hr] [color=0072bc]"I'll take a grunts eyes on the map any day soldier. Us squids don't like navigating on land,"[/color] Thana said as she glanced into the back of the truck via the rear-view mirror. Granted, Thana preferred the land to the waters if all truth were to be told. She was a botanist after all, worked with people to help yield better harvests. Most of her work within the Navy had been one of two things. Either recruiting for the Navy or working with the U.N. and the Army to help war ravaged areas deal with getting back on their feet. Her area, of course helping the farmers. It was usually joint task force after actual conflict was over. That and during natural disasters, which seemed to pop up constantly. This entire thing with Newnan was an example of that but then again, this could be classified as a man made disaster. Had the city itself never been put where it was, how much longer would the ground been able to maintain itself before caving in? Ten years, a hundred? Maybe more. No one could tell at that point. Thana quirked a brow as Thalia spoke up, where had that question come from? [color=0072bc]"Well that was out of left field wasn't it?"[/color] Thana said, not exactly realizing the irony of her comment. [color=0072bc]"Never really was a huge fan, granted I blame high school for that,"[/color] she said as she hands tensed on the steering wheel a tad and she took out another Face Eater that got a little too close to the truck. This one was juicy and she ended up having to turn on the wind shield wipers to clear away the gunk well enough to see. [color=0072bc]"Family was more into other sports. Football for one,"[/color] she added. She didn't bother to mention that football was barely on the radar because of her sister and such but she wasn't going there. Now if Thalia brought up more extreme sports, Thana might be interested in that conversation. As they crossed over 85 Thana glanced down the Highway in both directions. North lead to downtown ATL, and a lot of hell. South lead towards where she intended to go after all this shit was over. Right then though, west was the bet but she stopped and glanced back at Alex. [color=0072bc]"So, idea on the best route from here?"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin[/color] & [color=598527]Lola[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a0340758-d589-4044-bfb7-0078536bb5ad.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Tank [b]Skills:[/b] People Reading (Gavin), Tank Operations (Lola)[/center][hr] [color=f26522]"If some'ne passes away in yer arms, they ain't ever a stranger honey,"[/color] Gavin said as he ran his finger along the length of Ravis Green Card before slipping it back into his wallet. He let out a breath as he let his head fall back and thud against the side of the tank a bit. A few of his curls falling into his face. [color=f26522]"I've seen some shit done to people in my day. Rangers see shit near the border. Not like this, this was somethang else. Ain't right what they did. Ain't gonna let them keep on keepin' on. Plan on takin' ever'last one of them muthafu'kers down and let god sort'em out."[/color] The mans eyes were dark as he spoke. Whatever Gavin and Beatrice were talking about, it seemed that Lola wasn't paying them a bit of mind. She was bouncing in her seat and singing at the top of her lungs. (Which inside the tank made it even louder, fucking acoustics.) [color=598527][i]"When Missus Ned McLean (God bless her) Can get Russian reds to "yes" her, Then I suppose Anything goes. When Rockefeller still can hoard en- Ough money to let Max Gordon Produce his shows, Anything goes. The world has gone mad today And good's bad today, And black's white today, And day's night today, And that gent today You gave a cent today Once had several chateaux. When folks who still can ride in jitneys Find out Vanderbilts and Whitneys Lack baby clo'es, Anything goes."[/i][/color] The woman didn't exactly have a voice to speak of but what she lacked in the vocal talents she more than made up for with enthusiasm! That bitch was PARTICIPATING! In what was anyones guess but hey, since there was no TV now she could make for some hell of entertainment. She obviously wasn't going to get boring. [color=598527]"Huh? What?"[/color] she finally said as she turned her attention to Beatrice. [color=598527]"Oh hell, I'm just along for the fun of shit. My best mate wants to go kill shit, so I go with her. She's really middle of the road about shit. Bit angry but who the fuck ain't these days. So if she says she wants to go off and kill shit, I got her back. Simple as that,"[/color] Lola said with a grin before looking away. [color=598527]"And I'm no Harley. I'm the fun half of Master Blaster!"[/color] Pulling his knees up Gavin drapped his arms over them. Picking slightly at the scabs that had formed on his knuckles. Left over reminders of the beating he had given that asshat from Eden. Perking a brow he looked over towards Lola and then back to Beatrice. [color=f26522]"Welcome to Thunderdome..."[/color] he said and then chuckled as he rubbed his face.