Accepting his badge from the mayor Zrell wondered how useful it would really be in a situation with the police, though he guessed it would still be useful on civilians who didn't know the difference he could already think of some good uses for it. Hearing someone speak Zrell turned his head to look up at Icarus, though nearly identical to humans Zrell could always tell a null out from a group of people by the black spot they created in his omnidirectional senses. He hoped that they wouldn't be so formal the entire time they were working together, part of him wanted to reach into Icarus and take out some of his formality so that he could shove it into the punk girl. Oh well at least if he was a professional he wouldn't have any problems getting things done, meaning less effort for everyone else. Placing his knife and the badge inside his jacket Zrell replied to Icarus "Hey I'm Zrell, part time sorcerer/bodyguard, looks like we're working together now" Then feeling self concious with everyone looking down at him, he used his telekinesis to float himself and his chair into mid air so that he was at eye level with the others. "Who are you two?" He said rotating himself to face the two girls before gliding over to them narrowly avoiding getting too close to Icarus and having his magic shut off.