[center] [h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone[/color] || Central Point || Public Party || Friday Evening[/h2] [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/2i9nk07.png[/IMG] [sub][@Almalthia][@Furiosa][@Rabidporcupine][@RoccanIronclad][@The1Rolling1Boy][@ReusableSword][@Poi][/sub][/center] [hr] Nodding to the man as he answered her questions in a calm manner, though her amethyst did blink slowly as he paused before hand to seemingly examine her. How well he responded, it seemed this man had some training of some caliber. Still she just nodded as she continued her careful examination. Considering there didn't seem to be outer physical injury, and the state of her body that there was some medical reason. Still, it was best not to move her until the paramedics arrived. If it was urgent, Ashton could easily carry the unconscious woman, although not the best thing to do. Her neck seemed fine at least. Standing up as the paramedics arrived, she gave a cheerful smile and nodded to them as they took care of the patient. At the two men's thanks, Ashton gave a smile as she scratched her right cheek in embarrassment. Honestly, she didn't too much other than following procedure. But she was glad to at least see, for the most part, that the girl's vitals seemed to be okay. As the girl was being taken care of and one of the men followed after her, the tall blonde gently patted Ren on the head in reassurance. Even if they didn't do much, some support can go a long way for someone. Amethyst gaze turning toward the tall man, she tilted her head for a moment with a curious expression. For a moment thinking about asking for something before remembering that they should probably check on Siobhan since Ashton had quickly left her and with Ren here she was on her own at the moment. Not like Ashton thought the lady couldn't take care of herself, but it would be nice to make sure she was alright. So the awkward giant clasped her hands together and bowed to the tall man that had tended to the unconscious woman and gave a bright cheerful smile as she waved her hand in farewell. Perhaps they would meet again. Glancing to Ren, Ashton gave another bright smile, tilting her head in a questioning manner back toward where they left their red haired friend. Soon enough was carrying her tall figure through the crowd, though careful not to lose her white haired companion. Easily spotting the red head with a man with dark colored hair. Soon enough she was waving both her hands in the air and giving little jumps of joy and greeting like a bouncing pup. Coming to a halt beside them, she gave a curious expression with the same cheerful smile. Giving a slight grin as if to say that it looked like they were having fun and she was glad for it.