[center][color=OrangeRed][h2]Ʋєηт[/h2] Level: 1 Day/Time: Day Three-Early Morning Location: Skyrim-Stormcloak Camp Interacting: Stormcloaks[@Holy Soldier] Mention: Ruben[@Mattchstick], Azura[@Lugubrious], Mr. President[@Holy Soldier], Captain Piper[@DracoLunaris] Word Count: 608[/color][/center] The others all introduced themselves after he went, beginning with the robotic Captain Piper. Steam technology was definitely archaic where he came from, and archaic was putting it nicely, but if it worked for her, then who was he to judge? She described herself as a smuggler and listed off a set of achievements that, so far as he could tell, were impressive for her world. It would seem that the Council really was putting out for Heroes from across multiple universes, which was further confirmed when the final member of their team, who'd arrived behind them all except for the woman with the spear, introduced himself and listed his gear and abilities. [color=OrangeRed][i]Definitely a mix and match group here, but based on the appearance of that camp, the majority of us are from a time period far more advanced. Which means that if the steel gods made taking Markarth so much easier, than they are from a far more advanced universe as well.[/i][/color] He noticed that the blue haired gal with the spear was going to speak, so he turned his attention to her, only for their idiot of a leader to cut her off. That certainly brushed the young man wrong way, but he knew that now was not the time to point out that some awareness of others besides himself would do the group no good, especially since the 'Boss' was already off on a tangent. Suddenly the reactions of those who had been on the viewscreen with this Mister President started making sense. And now they had to try and follow him. [color=OrangeRed][i]This is going to be a huge mess...[/i][/color] At this point, the sounds of someone approaching them reached his ears and, as did the rest of the group, Vent turned to look at the approaching person. He seemed fine as he looked over each of them, presumably memorizing interesting bits of their appearance so that if the fighting got bad, he wouldn't accidentally hit a friend, but the moment his eyes fell on Captain Piper, panic lit his features. The Megaman started to reach out to him, to try and explain that they were representatives of the Council, he was already gone, screaming that the enemy had come. Groaning, the young man turned to see what Piper thought of it, though their leader did say that she shouldn't listen to the guy. Soon after, the sounds of more feet approaching caught his attention and when he turned, he found a group of warriors approaching. Obviously, the Boss' first response was to want to fight, but immediately after asked what they should call themselves when people decided to 'fuck with them.' Vent himself moved forward, un-transformed for now but with Model X in one hand and Model Z in the other just in case negotiations went south. However, before he could, the blue-haired gal beat him to it, finally introducing herself as Azura from the kingdom of Hoshido. And while the location raised questions for the young man, he waited as she did her best to defuse the tense situation. Her offering of peace was...something in the song felt...strange, but he didn't feel that asking what it was now was a good idea, and instead moved to reinforce her words. [color=OrangeRed]"She speaks the truth. The...steambot in front of you is an ally, here with us as a fellow representative of the Council in Tetris Castle in Platform City. Your leader, Ulfric Stormcloak, should be expecting us."[/color] He kept his hands to his side, a sign of honesty back home and hopefully here. [color=OrangeRed]"We don't want to fight you if we don't have to."[/color]