[hr][hr][h1][center][color=662d91]Elissa Isley[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m54i1kHrpu1rqg9sf.gif[/img] Location: Tortuga[/center][hr] When Aravis said that she recognized the flask from a story, this came as a little bit of a surprise. She knew that her friend loved stories, always asking Elissa to tell her one whenever she was able to visit her. The fact that she recognized it from something like that, was a little strange. Millicent was a little worrisome now, talking to herself and asking questions to someone who wasn't even there. The woman was a strange one. She wasn't really going to say anything, she was with Anastasia, she did want her body back if possible. Though if she could get Aravis out of this situation alive, it was definitely worth considering destroying the flask over. Hopefully Aravis didn't end up having the same fate as the rest of them. Elissa looked over at Aravis, waiting to see if she answered Anastasia's question and would tell the story.