[center][h1][color=steelblue]Ashton[/color], [color=cyan]Riley[/color], [color=yellow]Niesha[/color][/h1] [img]https://lh4.ggpht.com/-IlNGTuYmpTA/Tqjyilbtg_I/AAAAAAAAAQM/lkF6q9Ww05A/s800/oiu.gif [/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0d55b471-c5e5-4224-a6dd-f93f52f38ebd.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/0b/24/040b24448d684a23925dbde97988dcd6.gif[/img] [i]Location: Outside of the Funeral, North of the Franklin Wall[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Riley leaned back in the back seat rubbing the bridge of her nose she really needed something to calm her nerves, her mind started to wonder over towards Amelia. She was worried about her, Riley didn't even know if Amelia was still alive or not or if she would even see her again she couldn't handle losing someone else she cared about. Riley then looked towards Niesha as she admitted to what she had been seeing as well, mentioning a girl named Sophia. She didn't know who she was other then the memorial board that Tatiana had set up back in Newnan, she ran a hand through her hair. [color=B0C4DE]"I'm not sure if it was something that drugged us, it all was happening up until the shit show happened."[/color] Riley said giving a slight shrug. [color=B0C4DE]"Still got that booze over there?"[/color] Riley finally asked. The mention of the booze was enough to make the Captain shudder reflexively. He had just downed an amount of the stuff, atomized even more across the dash of his truck, and all after (apparently) receiving it from his brother, whom he was fairly certain had shuffled off his mortal coil years back. He could barely hear muttering that didn't belong there, but at least he realized that it didn't belong there. It was a start. The realization brought him back to almost the forefront of reality again. Reality was much uglier. Case in point, the implosion, explosion, and pillar of acrid smoke were working their magic, drawing in the Dead like flies to a warm side of beef. They had many on the road in front of them, and zero places to turn the big machine around. Luckily, it wasn't called "The Hordebuster" for nothing. Ash had modified this vehicle for the sole purpose of leading a caravan of Virginia distillery workers and their families out of a complex besieged by walking corpses and through mountain passes occupied by the Dead. Ash felt a sense of sickening irony at that thought; it looked as if the remainder of them had just died in the collapse of Newnan. But that didn't help him [i]now[/i]. Though the truck was designed to plow through the Dead, he would rather not take any chances. The first group on the road were avoided altogether. The second group behind them weren't as fortunate - two to one side were caught in the great wedged pilot and flung wide. As much fun as it was seeing the shambling ex-persons [i]fly[/i], Ash had to get what rained of his people out of there. With this in mind, he maneuvered the 'Buster around the next cluster of dead people and turned north onto Sutherland Drive. He wasn't certain exactly where it led, but for now, the object of the game was to get out and make for a bugout point. Niesha sighed softly, looking down at the booze, [color=yellow]"Its fine"[/color] She said wearily, passing it over to Riley, glancing out the window. She didn't know where Ash was taking them, but figured he knew the way, and it was a relief to just sit there. Do nothing. Although, that had a danger in itself. It left her thoughts open to drift. And they drifted, inevitably, towards Sophia. Towards Kristina, Tatiana, Victor and all the rest in Newman they didn't know were alive or not. She tried to focus on things out the window. Which led the the walkers. Tensing slightly, Niesha watched as Ash avoided the first group, and hit the second. She flinched at the flying bodies, knowing they couldn't hurt them, but... they'd still been people. She closed her eyes and sighed wearily. [color=yellow]"We're going to have to find somewhere a fair distance away, aren't we?"[/color] There would be unanswered questions, for... well, ever. They'd probably never know who got out of Newman and who didn't. Well, wasn't that the story of her life? Riley smiled slightly when Niesha handed it towards her, and started to take a sip of it before looking over towards Ashton for a moment. She then realized that she probably should let Ashton have the rest of it, before closing it up and setting it down on the floor of the cab. Riley tensed slightly when she could hear the bodies of Walkers being run over by the Hordebuster, even though they are safe Riley still couldn't help but be tense. Riley listened to Niesha and gave her a slight nod, it was the most logical sense because the noise would draw walkers in for miles and a herd could turn up rather quickly which was never a good thing. [color=B0C4DE]"It is probably the best idea, to get as much distance away as possible."[/color] Riley said softly.