[center][color=C45A6A]“Don’t you have anything better to do?”[/color][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/y1LQSx2.png?2[/img][/center] Hope responded by sticking her tongue out playfully in Luna's direction while excitedly plucking the photo from the mouth of the camera. Clutching the picture gently she gave it a vigorous shaking in an effort to make the image show up quicker while simultaneously making her way past Javier. Naturally she gave him a smile and a quick "Mornin Javi." as she made her way to Luna. Sadly, like always, the picture hadn't caught Luna mid morning routine but instead had her shielding her face from Hope's surprise photography. If she were being honest though it was still actually a rather good picture all things considered, between the lighting and the way Luna was glaring with just one eye visible over the top of the notebook-something about it was just particularly eye catching. With a largely exaggerated sigh Hope slid her handiwork onto the counter top that now separated her from Luna, her eyes lingering on the image while slightly biting her tongue absent mindedly. Mentally she had to let the work of art go. [color=red]"Welp...looks like you beat me again. Maybe you can rub some glitter in the wound?"[/color] Placing exact change next to the picture (she'd boughten glitter enough to know the price.) she went on to clarify incase Luna hadn't gotten her stupid joke. [color=red]"Need a new bag of the sparkly stuff. Used up what was left of my last bag on Red this mornin."[/color]