[quote=@BrokenPromise] [@Sherlock Holmes][@BrobyDDark] Alright, Clearly we can do better. Teach me. I am a very observant student. [img]https://i.redd.it/7kxys1ba0lhx.gif[/img] [/quote] Step one: dolphintits. [quote=@Raddum] [@BrobyDDark] Spam is fucking garbage there hasn't been anything worthwhile here since Mahz brought RPG back. Everything good about this place died with old guild and there's nothing nobody can do to fix it [/quote] No, the shittiest bits died with oldguild, like everyone making Spam the uber elite circlejerk nobody is allowed into. Nuguild brought with it a bunch of new injokes and moments, and games and spamfics and a whole buncha other shit that made the community more community-y.