Well I would like to think that was a pretty successful run for the GCA. People seem to like my analysis and have even offered me a few tips on how to make it better through Discord. I truly appreciate having such a warm welcome for my group on this forum and I hope to make you all proud through my further work. Its my hope that for every analysis I put out, more people can come to have a more in depth understanding of how combat writing works. As always my next analysis will be out on the twenty-sixth, a Friday so everyone can find some time to enjoy it. There are a lot of great fights out there that I want to cover, but in the interest of keeping my sanity I will only choose one. If there is anything I’ve learned from my role playing career its how learning your limit on how much work you can handle. If I was just a single guy without much responsibility I would be pumping out reviews like they were hot cakes. Of course though I do have responsibilities at home, which is why I will simply be doing one analysis this week and one interview. Now I know some may be wondering why I haven't talked much about trying to analyze my own work. Yes I have plenty of fights going on in the arena, but I have what I feel is a good enough excuse as to why I don't do that. Mainly its because I know that my own work is hard enough just to come up with, I don't think I could handle picking out all the errors I have going on in my own work without losing my mind. Besides, this project is for the people on the forum, to see how they do things and to celebrate their victories and try to understand their failures. Maybe as I go along I’ll be able to look at my own work objectively and be able to disseminate it without coming off as either too harsh or not harsh enough. So as the other two tournaments gear up for their beginning I thought I would take a blast into the past and look at a match that had just recently concluded. From the whispers I’ve been able to catch on Discord the ending towards this battle had to be decided via judge ruling, so I am curious to see how I can look at this match and see where my work can line up with said judges. Of course I am by no means saying I could do their job better, being a judge for a tournament is a bit of a hellish exercise in self restraint and patience. All I wanna do is try to analyze this thread and see what we can glean from the different writer's who participated in the fight. Get ready for an exciting read because I think this is gonna be a great ride for everyone.