[center][h2]The Library - Bonesword and Lilliana[/h2][/center] Ah, the Clocktown Central Library... And bookstore! Those were separate wings, but regardless as to which wing you were exploring this place was a larger deposit of knowledge than either of the two pirates had ever experienced before... And that was saying something when one of those two was Lilliana Merrycure! Three floors 20,000 square feet each, filled to the brim with books on nearly any subject they could hope for! That is, every subject except for the Grand Line. Information on that place was pretty scarce no matter which way you sliced it unless you went straight to the marines. Alas, that wasn't a possibility. Looking for books on plants, Bonesword came across a [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/8e1d/th/pre/i/2014/005/b/4/medieval_wooden_book_box_by_massogeppetto-d70z47h.jpg]book of particular note[/url] in the library's "fiction" section. This was... This was an encyclopedia on devil fruits! Many considered these fruits to be myths so it wasn't especially surprising to find this in the fiction section, but just by thumbing through the pages the skelekid could tell it was legitimate. It even had an entry for his own fruit, the kojo kojo no mi! Unfortunately the encyclopedia lacked pictures in most of the fruit entries, so it would be great for expanding on a particular devil fruit after it was discovered... But not so great at identifying a fruit before anyone eats it. [b]Neutral Event Discovered: Item Get - Devil Fruit Encyclopedia![/b] Whether they decided to check the book out and never return it, steal the book, or offer to purchase it fair and square, once their transactions had been complete Lilly and Bonesword ran into [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dbxfanon/images/e/e9/Chichi_by_maffo1989-d6pkj5n.png/revision/latest?cb=20160710194457]a mother[/url] and [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/I7Knp0KhpwU/maxresdefault.jpg]her son[/url] looking through the science books. It was pretty clear the kid would rather be anywhere but the library, while his mother [i]gently[/i] encouraged him to study. At a moment of opportunity when his mother looked the other way, the boy made a run for it... Right into Bonesword! The kid fell over, rubbing his head. "Ow. Sorry mister-Oh, you're another kid like me! I haven't seen you around, are you a tourist? WHOA!" He practically shot up to the ceiling as soon as he saw the Shroomblade. "You've got a sword?! That's sooo cooool! Mom, hey mom, can I have a sword?" By this time he had most certainly attracted his mother's attention. She had made her way over before she had been called and grabbed her son by the hand. Her eyes narrowed on Bonesword like a hawk, but then glared at Lilliana. "You should know better than to encourage your child to play with dangerous weapons. You should be ashamed as a parent!" Without another word the mother shoved passed them to check out their selection of books. [b]Dual Character Event Discovered: Easter Egg - Responsible Parenting![/b] [hr] [center][h2]Clock Town Marketplace - Dirk and Slick[/h2][/center] The hustle and bustle of the marketplace was beginning to slow down as the sun dipped into the horizon. Most stores were about to close up shop, just taking care of those final last minute customers. The two pirates could hear mention of a big festival that everyone needed to get to at the center of town. Well, the Rum Runner was in need of supplies, and some of those supplies were food. Since Dirk had the money and Slick was the cook, it only made sense to find what they could. "Sorry, we're closing up." "Can't help you, the festival is gonna start soon." "You want how much food? This close to the Great Winding Festival? Ha!" All the doors were closing up, and while breaking in to steal the food was a tempting thought, another temptation was offered up. "Psst. Hey, heard you two were looking fer some uh, good eats, yeah?" The gravelly voice had come from [url=https://pre00.deviantart.net/441c/th/pre/i/2011/317/9/6/merchant_by_marivel87-d4g1fxi.jpg]a shady looking man[/url] hiding just inside an alleyway. As the two approached, he held out a peculiar looking [url=https://ferrerleonardo.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/download-11.jpg?w=315&h=198]blue apple[/url] with swirl patterns all around it. "Now this hear is a magical fruit that'll feed a man for an entire day with just one slice. Got it from my suppliers in the Grand Line. The uh, [i]disreputable[/i] kind of suppliers, you get me?" The keen thieving duo couldn't help but notice that some of the blue rubbed off on the man's finger as he slipped the fruit back into his coat. "So whaddya say? 20,000 berries is a steal fer this kinda treasure." [b]Dual Character Event Discovered: Item Get - A Devil Fruit?! Or Is it?[/b] [hr] [center][h2]Marine Branch 203 - Feya and Caesar[/h2][/center] As arguably the two strongest fighters of the Red Rums approached [url=https://cyberd.org/img/1/One-Piece-2-1.jpg]Marine Branch 203[/url], the duo could hear the sounds of shouting coming from over the walls. "GET MOVING YOU LAZY BONES! ANOTHER 20 LAPS ALL OF YOU! ANYONE WHO DOESN'T FINISH WILL BE LOCKED IN THE BRIG FOR INSUBORDINATION! DON'T YOU DARE TAKE OFF THOSE WEIGHTS! LETS MOVE MOVE MOVE LADIES!" As they closed in on the front gates it became clear what all was going on. A marine lieutenant was standing atop a tall wooden platform barking orders at a number of grunts running around the courtyard. They all seemed to be wearing.... Wait, [i]how much did those huge ass vests weigh?![/i] It looked like each of the marine grunts had a freaking cow strapped to their chest! Meanwhile another lieutenant was lounging around on a beach chair while a separate group of grunts were sweeping the ground veeeeerrryyyyy sloooooowllllyyyyy. He gave them all a thumbs up with only half a glance, hardly even bothering to check their work. "DAMMIT KUKAKU, CAN'T YOU GET YOUR GREENHORNS IN LINE?!" shouted the lieutenant from on high. "Eeeeh, they're doing their jobs. Besides, too much stress is killer, am I right?" "I CAN SEE THE LITTER FROM HERE! THEIR BONES WILL BECOME BRITTLE AT THIS RATE!" "Eeeeh, you train your way and I'll train mine. Wax on, wax off. Right? Heheheheh." "THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING! GUH!" That's when the lieutenant atop the tower spotted Feya and Caesar standing near the entrance gate. He pointed dramatically at the duo. "HEY YOU! LET'S SOLVE THIS RIGHT NOW! WHOSE TRAINING METHOD IS BETTER?" "Eeeeh, do we need to involve them?" The relaxing lieutenant slowly sat up, glancing out the gate. "Eeeeh, I guess it's alright. Maybe we can make it interesting? If they say I'm right, you've like, toootally gotta take a day off. Cool? "VERY WELL! AND IF THEY CHOOSE MY WAY THEN YOU HAVE TO RUN TWICE THE LAPS AS MY MEN!" "Eeeeh, that's totally harshing my mellow. But fiiine. Hey, crazy dog dude, buff chick, what do you think, huh?" [b]Dual Character Event Discovered: Easter Egg - Slobs vs. Snobs?[/b] [hr] [center][h2]Tock's Clocks - Boone and Kite[/h2][/center] As soon as the two pirates entered the store, their ears became assaulted with thousands of different ticking from all directions. All manner of crazy contraptions as far as the eye could see, it wouldn't have been out of place for a man to become overwhelmed. A single desk sat in the middle of the room, and behind it an overly complicated piece of machinery that definitely resembled clockwork, but couldn't be considered a "clock" by any stretch of the imagination. What on earth was it? A [url=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/03/16/26B5DCFD00000578-2997923-image-a-19_1426546131945.jpg]peculiar short balding man[/url] of large proportions popped up from beneath the large machine, setting aside some goofy looking goggles. "Ah, customers customers. Good to see you, eh, What's this? Ohohohohoho, interesting! Pirates! And don't try denying it either, I studied my bounty posters, hohohoho!" The old man rubbed his elbow into Boone's side in a knowing and friendly manner. "Don't worry, I won't tell if you don't tell." He lowered the collar of his short just enough to show off a tattoo of a Jolly Roger, then gave a wink. "Ah, I see you have a log pose, Broadsides Boone! Well I'll tell you what, I'm a Grand Line senior. I see your friend here is handy with his, well, hands. Ohohoho! And carries some big wrenches! If you help me with my machine, I can share you some of my wisdom, hm? Ohohohoho!" [b]Dual Character Event Discovered: Information Gathering - Log Pose Expertise![/b]