[color=8dc73f][b]Eva Fosfograv Vasilev [/b][/color][hr] The girl in the hooded vest chewed on her kibbles grimly, loitering about in front of the coffin place, her hardware clearly visible. It was just another day, with the same drek going on. Bozos were tearing up the place again, some boosters were rampaging, and her euros looks was starting to look appallingly low again. It was no real matter. She could perhaps sit around at one of the local seedy watering hole and listen around for another job. Usually wetworks, but being a bodyguard wasn't bad either. It usually involves her looking tough while nothing happens for the rest of the day. Not all the time, but enough to make it her preferred line of work. Perhaps she should try out being a doorstopper for a megacorp sometimes. No one in their right mind would try assaulting one of their buildings head on after all. When the call came, she simply crumpled up what was left of her food into her backpack, checked her only gun, and left. Eva wasn't one with a happy past, nor was it a past she wanted to catch up with her. Thus when she arrived at the street in front of the theatre, her hood was up, and a piece of cloth covered her lower face, with only neon colored hair peeping out of her hood. Her eyes scanned the streets, searching for any threat, her senses as open as she could manage, trying to be aware of everything around her. A habit that was hard to kick, and one she had no reason to change. She knew from experience that anything can turn tits up in a very short amount of time, even more so when the big players get involved. From the trouble she read on the screamers today, they seemed ready to throw the MaxTac goons out at the slightest of conflicts. Certainly not the sort of attention she wants, especially if they manage to ID her. Keeping up that confident look, she simply strode past the group of thugs and into the theatre, a hard look upon her hooded face. They weren't her problem, nor did she want to have to do anything with them.