[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yICuhDr.png[/img][/center] Seeing Bast was a surprise. It was clear, however that he was in the middle of his own task and before she could even enter the tea shop, the coach pulled up and a very rich and important looking stranger got out and entered the shop, and then preceded to talk to Bast. Centaur were not a naturally curious race, and had great respect for other's personal issues. However, right not, Eilidh wanted to know what was going on, so entered the tea shop and went straight to the counter, keeping her ears open for their conversation. Though a Centaur isn't conspicuous, it would still be hard to tell that she was there for any reason other than to buy tea unless one looked at her ears with great scrutiny. Once a green tea was purchased, she went to a table on the other side of the room to Bast and his guest, with her back to them, moving the chair out of the way so that she could sit down. As she drank an actually well-needed cup of tea, she continued to listen, though she had missed the beginning of the conversation. [@PaulHaynek][@13org] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0zwxKiN.png[/img][/center] [color=edd902]"I would be happy to help you with any more requests you may have in the future,"[/color] Rebecca spoke softly as she bowed. [color=edd902]"Know that you have my full support and admiration. I wish you luck, and may we meet again."[/color] With farewells exchanged, Rebecca left the town and headed North, not being able to leave the Varjan borders fast enough, and returned to the guild in good time. The devout woman seemed less cheerful than she had left this morning. Nobody else had deserved to take that mission, but neither had she. Varjo was an unholy land and a shrine to the evils of Man. She herself had to to take two lives today or risk being taken advantage of, taken to a higher authority who would recognize her, and being put to death for her 'radical' ideals. Even in her home city, the warrant was merely for her arrest and imprisonment, as any civilized country would do to a heretic. Magnus' shirt was the first thing she noticed. She approached him, and half smiling yet with fire in her eyes, she asked the Minotaur; [color=edd902]"Who did that, and did they pay for it?"[/color] As she examined the damage she was clearly, silently lamenting over her stitching yet it was also clear she was putting no blame on Magnus himself. [@PaulHaynek][@The Irish Tree]