[quote=@PrinceAlexus] [@Icepick] Looks great, everything seems to be in order, il just let [@Pilatus] give it a look before you post it over to CS and join IC. and summery. OK. So first skip was general intros, nothing too major, general set up and hints to the larger planned events coming up. our first big event was the jazz night crashed by trio of the richest assholes ever to walk the earth, fire alarms, someone was nearly drugged, and general chaos ensured. Bob their assitiant is now wnated by the cops in a city wide warrent. He now trying to be evacuated to canada. we had some music, abit of dancing then came the chaos, so that night ended up dramatically. though a crush began, a couple and a few other relationships and freindships found a start. Next up was a free, that one was not as dramatic though and chance for charecter building, expanding on things started at jazz night. lastly, where we are now is the winter time ball, and thats about coming to a close, we started skip firday evening and started up event, street party etc. big city costume party that has now moved to the city hall ball room, all the food and drink paid for by the mayor. a bunch of said rich assholes, abd bikers tried to pay a visit before they got redirected by a cunning marshal, the even was fairly clam then, mostly interactions. Phase two was lalter evening, about 1-2 hours after. we had are duet by the pinao reuniting old freinds, someone colapsed and needed first aid, general intros and interaction, advancement on bob plotlines and paige and lupes past. next planned is late eveining fri to early aftertoon sat. so a aftermath, we also have a big set up for the city grandprix that will book end chapter one and laying groundwork for chapter two. Theres been a fair few events but tons of opportunity too, tons of life left to live and lots of ideas to explore. This is not a perfect summery but 275 posts is alot to cover. [/quote] OK so this is our rough summery. [@CoolGoy02] A time skip is like a cut to a new scene. So if you do want you can sum up previous actions and thoughts in your post or solely concentrate on new scene, or a mix of both you are more than welcome to go with either. So, there's abit of room for you to takw things how you feel best fits at the time. Your more than welcome to describe how your night had gone like you have attended the entire night, we welcome different writing styles within sense. :)