[@Obscene Symphony] The woman came across the plains, holding the reigns of a great horse like creature with fire erupting from its hooves and mane. She staggered lightly as her steps neared the building she'd detected from so far away. A small abandoned temple at the edge of the forest. She was hoping it still had a well of some sort in it, or at least somewhere to take shelter. A storm was headed her direction, and the inclusion of the elements to her current predicament would certainly disable her, if not leave her for dead. She was tall, wearing black leather, and carrying a handful of small weapons. Her right eye had clearly been torn out in an attack, claw marks spanning from her forehead down her cheek. The missing eye itself was covered with a sort of mechanical eyepatch. It occasionally issued forth with a whirring noise. She was clearly of elven descent, long ears pointing upward from her head. Her hair was a deep red tone, and swept back in a low ponytail. Her eyes were a bright green. She approached the temple swiftly until she got close enough to realize that it was being maintained. There was a small graveyard outside of the door, replete with flowers for each grave that were all fresh enough. It was a worn beige color, the years having not been kind - but the inhabitants thorough in its cleaning. She frowned as she realized the temple was quite inhabited... but she had to chance it. The storm would provide her no favors, and perhaps she could trade with the temple keepers for some food and water. She tied her horse up outside the temple, under the trees to keep him dry when the storm began, and walked back to the door of the temple to knock, as the rain began to fall.