[center][h2][color=silver]Aria Lixiss[/color][/h2][/center] Aria arrived in the city on the back of a covered goods cart belonging to a dwarf family who where happy enough to give one of their own clanswomen a lift. She had of course trailed the group unseen for a while before coming up with a name and face they would accept as one of their own and a few on the spot lies got her a far more pleasant and inconspicuous ride than charming a beast of the wild would have given. It may have not been the fastest ride, but it meant she could pocket the coin that was supposed to pay for her transport to Ardent's Fall. It seemed odd to her that a debtor would be so willing to pay out of pocket for anything that might help the people they were leaching off in any way. It had seemed odd to Az-Set as well, as had the entire endeavor. For the Fay lord that meant it was interesting (and she had to admit she shared his curiosity), which was why “Gadria IronHeart” was going to Ardent's Fall to repay her debt instead of simply ceasing to exist. While they traveled she spent the time copying her notes from her main journal into her backup one while occasionally trading small talk with the dwarf family and warding of a barrage of questions from one of the children with a short little magic display, using glamor to play out a well known fairy tale with visual accompaniment. At long last however the city came into sight, as to did the seemingly endless line. After bidding farewell to the dwarves she used glamor and halfling stealth to weave her way through the crowd in order to get to the front faster, emerging on the other side with her well kept clanswomen guise dropped, replaced with the shock of tangled ginger hair perched atop a rather eccentrically dressed young dwarf known to the talon company as Gadria. The only thing that remained the same was her backpack, tightly sealed to protect the valuables within, the simple wooden shield hanging of one side of it and a curved Otmon saber sheathed at her hip. Hidden beneath her guise Aria slowly made her way through the festivities that filled the streets. Slowly, because she kept getting sidetracked by, well, everything. As someone who had grown up in the sparsely populated wilds cities never failed to amaze her and the chaotic bustling of Ardent's Fall in full festive swing was an experience she just had to take in. After being sidetracked a dozen times and getting lost twice she finally made it to [color=red]The Wrangled Drunkard[/color]. When Aria entered the inn its patrons where in the process of recovering to their royal interruption, the general chatter picking up once more but not quite retaking the heights of revelry the bard had brought it to. Aria knew nothing of the events that had transpired previously, but she could pick up some cues to make a guess, namly the nervous glances the dignified woman sipping wine in the corner. While she wanted to know more there would be time for questions and eavesdropping later, for now she made her way to the bar so she could get a drink.