Avaline, Sorcha, & Cocoa [hr] Avaline poked her head into the door of their home. Oh, there were two new people here. A cow and a human from the smell of them. She slithered into the room, doing her best to not crowd the small dorm too much. It really was getting rather crowded in here, wasn't it? She couldn't even stretch her body out completely. Still, she couldn't appear to be bothered by it! So the Wyrm found a mostly unoccupied corner of the room, and coiled herself up in it. Cocoa for the most part, let Otille do the talking. She was too busy holding the hand Otille had grabbed to her face. Sorcha stood, yawning again. A student wanted to see her about something? Odd. Livia showed her the way here, too. Even more odd. Well she would help since it was a request from Livia, but she wasn't entirely sure what exactly she could do. Sorcha walked over to Otille, giving her a neutral, though not hostile expression as she studied the young girl in front of her but ultimately said nothing and let Otille speak. Treasure of some sort? Oh, so Otille wanted her to appraise it. Well, now, she could certainly do that. Cocoa confidently handed over one of the bags, in her usual slightly ditzy manner. Sorcha grabbed the bag, opening it eagerly. [color=aba000]"Oh wow..."[/color] She finally spoke. [color=aba000]"This is quite something."[/color] She pulled a few pieces of treasure out of the bag, studying them. [color=aba000]"Golden chalices...jewel encrusted crowns and even a few decorative blades."[/color] For a few moments, the dragon seemed utterly impressed. "This is quite a bit I'll have to go through so-" She pulled out a crown from the bag, and her eyes widened. ... [color=aba000]"...where did you say you found this?"[/color] Sorcha's tone took a curious tone as she looked back at Otille. [color=aba000]"You...wouldn't have happened to find this in an old, ruined village of some sort would you have? A large cave, even with a large stone monument inside of it?"[/color] Livia & Cynthia [hr] As Mugi skated off to find Cynthia and the rest of the maids, that left Fia and Livia alone again for a few moments. The headmistress frowned slightly, thinking of a good response to her question. [color=bc8dbf]"Well, Fia,"[/color] She began. [color=bc8dbf]"It is true that is what servants are for. They are there to serve and take care of you, but you should not rely on them all the time. Learn and do things for yourself. Life is not always comfortable, and someday you may find yourself without a servant to aid you. To put bluntly - you should not become complacent, or believe yourself to be entitled to such luxuries. If you want to be pampered, then do something that makes you [i]worthy[/i] of it."[/color] She'd speak of the details later once Fia chose whichever maid she wanted. Mugi found Cynthia quite easily, cleaning the floor in the hallway outside of Livia's study. Cynthia blushed heavily at the kiss she received, but said nothing other than give the Ice-woman a curious look. Livia wanted to round up all the maids? Hm, she had to wonder what was going on. Well, no since in wondering about it. Cynthia grabbed Mugi's hand and pulled her too the foyer. By the time they had arrived, the rest of the maids had lined up against the far wall, some chattering to the other maids and a few more than curious as to what exactly was going on. When Cynthia walked into the room, they all hushed quickly though. [color=bc8dbf]"Here we are then...Fia, if you see a maid you like, then I will assign that one as your personal caretaker."[/color] Cynthia stood close to Mugi, doing her best to ignore the maid outfit she was wearing. Chione [hr] [b]"Ah...you have my thanks, Katherine."[/b] Chione replied. It wasn't exactly perfect, but it'd certainly do for now. [b]"And certainly, I wouldn't mind helping out around the house a bit if you wouldn't mind but-"[/b] Before she could finish that thought, a cat person of all things barged into the room and promptly gave Katherine a rather affectionate and improperly indecent display of affection. The egyptian woman's eyes widened, chuckling softly as she glanced away from the two of them and suddenly finding the opposite corner of the room very interesting. She let Katherine handle that in whatever manner she would decide. Not her place to judge, that was her fathers duty after all. She just helped and healed people. Whenever that was finally done, Chione cleared her throat, fidgeting with a loose strand of her long, black hair before replying. [b]"Ahem, yes, yes. Measurements then."[/b] Chione began to disrobe, the light, airy garment easily being pulled off. Celine & Marie [hr] Marie fell, unable to keep her footing as Kozue tripped her. [color=silver]"Gah!"[/color] Suddenly, she found herself pinned under Kozue. The demon glared up at the human, grimacing and doing her best to struggle out from under the human, but ultimately failing to do so. Ugh, damn it all! How could she lose so easily? To a human of all things! Bah, if word of even this minor scuffle made its way back home she'd be nothing more than a laughing stock! [i]More than she already was[/i] ...She grit her teeth, but said nothing to the human.