[hider=Korbin Aparo] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjU4MTE1OTkzNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDc2OTI0MDI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=green]ӄօʀɮɨռ ʟɛօռǟʀɖօ คpคr໐[/color][/h1][/center] [center][i][color=green]"This is my domain You’re stepping on my ground It’s live or die my way Inside the walls of my domain"[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [b][u]Name: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Korbin Aparo[/i][/color] [b][u]Age: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]14[/i][/color] [b][u]Birthday: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]February 14th[/i][/color] [b][u]Sex: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Male[/i][/color] [b][u]Ethnicity: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Italian on his father's side, Welsh/British on his mother's.[/i][/color] [b][u]Nationality: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]British Citizen[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [b][u]School Year :[/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Fourth-Year[/i][/color] [b][u]Blood Status: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Pure-blood[/i][/color] [b][u]Hogwarts House: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Slytherin, though a close Ravenclaw[/i][/color] [b][u]Pet: [/u][/b] [url=www.hdw-inc.com/cloudofstarbengal.jpg][i]Cat named Castiel[/i][/url] [b][u]Boggart: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Korbin was once a lucky boy who was able to visit Egypt with his family, but his luck ran out when while exploring a tomb a swarm of scorpions prevented the group from moving any further for a good two to three minutes. Ever since then even hearing the pattering of soft feet on stones makes him shiver, and a chill to go up his spine. Luckily in his third year he was able to conquer this fear somewhat by imagining the Scorpions on little tiny ice-skates.[/i][/color] [b][u]Wand: [/u][/b] [url=https://img00.deviantart.net/b454/i/2017/018/f/d/aspen_wand_by_kenku_0-davuh6m.jpg][i]Aspen Wood, Dragon Heartstring, 10 inches, Nice and Supple[/i][/url] [hider=Wood and Core]Aspen: Wand-quality aspen wood is white and fine-grained, and highly prized by all wand-makers for its stylish resemblance to ivory and its usually outstanding charmwork. The proper owner of the aspen wand is often an accomplished duellist, or destined to be so, for the aspen wand is one of those particularly suited to martial magic. An infamous and secretive eighteenth-century duelling club, which called itself The Silver Spears, was reputed to admit only those who owned aspen wands. In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries. Dragon: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental. .[/hider] [hr][hr] [b][u]Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Charms, with Arithmancy coming in as a very close second. This is mainly due to Korbin's obsession with dueling and his love for outthinking his opponents. He sees Charms as a more useful and impressive style of magic than Transfiguration.[/i][/color] [b][u]Least Favourite Lesson: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]History of Magic as he can't stand Professor Binns. Will usually be seen doing homework from other classes while Binns drones on. With Transfiguration coming in as second as Korbin just doesn't respect the style of magic.[/i][/color] [b][u]Extracurricular Activities: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Dueling Club, Wizards Chess, and Quidditch. Though he doesn't play Quidditch, he just enjoys watching for now...[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [b][u]Appearance: [/u][/b] [hider=Faceclaim]William Franklyn Miller[/hider] [color=#D3D3D3][i]The first thing people normally notice about Korbin is his stature, standing at a rather unimpressive 4 foot and 11 inches. Other than his short stature people tend to notice his eyes next, a very intriguing variant of blue as faint flecks of gray makes Korbin's eyes a spectacle sometimes to those he meets. Coupled with the fact that Korbin does most of his communicating with those eyes it's no wonder he considers them to be his his most distinctive trait, even if everyone else only sees a midget. Puberty has been a fickle friend thus far for Korbin in that it seems to go much slower than for other kids his age, a fact that can be seen just from how small the 14 year old is. Indeed the Hospital Wing Matron at one time thought the boy was malnourished and was surprised to find how fit and athletic the Slytherin was, Korbin being quite well toned and wiry. With that being said the combination of his eyes, light brown hair, a younger face, and an olive Italian complexion made him hear the term, 'adorable' on more than one occasion which annoys the boy to no end. He personally can't stand his appearance and finds it girlish which is compounded by the fact that his mother keeps sending him skin potions (which he has to admit do work) but other than various charms there's nothing he can do about changing said appearance. Besides being pimple-less does have its perks[/i][/color] [b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Korbin is an enigma, as he carefully hides most of his emotions underneath a mask of charm and smiles. He's a pureblood to the bone and having been raised not only with the expectations of the British Pureblood community but also the Italian means that Korbin is the picture perfect heir to a pure-blood House. Clean and disciplined his section of the dorm is normally pristine and everything is organized nicely in his school trunk. His appearance is the same, Hogwarts Robes with a dark green undershirt complete with a Slytherin scarf that he wears during all times of the year, though during summer it's very loose and hangs down below his chest. He's articulate, charming, and calm when dealing with Professors, except for Professor Binns, and shows himself to be a model student whenever he can. But, that's not the real Korbin, underneath that mask is a Cold, calculating individual who has known nothing but a drive to be perfect from his parents. Mistakes are punished harshly and as such Korbin is a perfectionist. He's abrupt to those he considers unequal, amoral, very purist, highly critical, a bit arrogant, devious, scheming, sly, and calculative. All in all he's a predator, always out to hunt on those who don't have the confidence in themselves to defend against him. He comes in like a one-two punch, charming the pants off of you while worming his way into your trust. With his upbringing he has been taught that friendships are weaknesses which has honestly made Korbin into a young man used to being alone. He has a secret however, puberty being a slow train for him still didn't stop the hormonal changes that came his way and unlike his dorm mates which became obsessed with various females of his grade, Korbin found that he instead preferred taking peaks at those same dorm mates. He knew this meant he was different and deals with a constant self-loathing about this situation as he knows such is frowned upon. Classwork is hit or miss for Kor, the Slytherin doing simply OK in every class but Charms, Defense Against The Dark Arts, and Arithmancy. In dueling situations or during intense matches of Wizard's Chess Korbin's core personality is shown the most, as the Slytherin uses physical dodging and diving to tire out his opponent, then using his talent in Charms to lock down true understanding of his opponents fighting style before then taking advantage of the weaknesses he's found. His duels always last the longest but the end result tends to be the same, as Korbin literally drains his opponent of magical and physical strength before going in for the kill, calm and collected as before. In chess the boy is a cold methodical tactician, attacking the board in multiple places at once, taking into account his opponent responses and then adopting a blistering offensive that cripples the unfortunate soul that went against him. Despite all of these things going against him Korbin does have some redeeming qualities, his Italian heritage giving him decent looks, his constant exercise making him rather athletic, he's adaptable to various situation, and is quite loyal despite his rugged exterior. He's a mountain you have to climb up before seeing the good points but should someone scale that mountain Korbin could make a very good friend.[/i][/color] [b][u]Backstory: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Korbin was born into the name Aparo, a prestigious pure-blood family from Venice, Italy. His father, Angelo Aparo became the patriarch of the family when Korbin's grandfather died in his sleep after complications with Dragon Pox, the man being some one hundred and eighty years old. The family itself was a well known and highly respected noble family in the Italian Ministry of Magic due to the diplomatic ties to the more aristocratic pure-blood families in Italy. Between the families notable dueling skills and diplomatic ties to other countries through such Angelo was a figure head in the International Confederacy of Wizards and traveled Europe itself as a representative from Italy. When he left his home country with all his wealth and heirlooms to travel he eventually he landed in Britain. Some two years later and began courting the various Pure Blood families knowing that he was expected to continue magical purity, something he believed deeply in. Eventually he settled down with Caroline Prewett and with both families resources constructed a large Manse in the Welsh countryside. The family gave birth to Korbin three years after. The boy grew up comfortable, his early years much like most toddlers, full of exploration. Angelo had acquired a position in the British Ministry as a member of the Wizengamot after resigning from the Italian Ministry. Between this and his growing prestige as a Philanthropist the Aparo family name became a little more popular. For little Korbin this didn't matter all that much but it did allow for the family to take various trips and generally enjoy the raising of their son. When Korbin was 5 the family took a trip to Egypt and while there was trapped in a small alcove with a few other families while a swarm of Scorpions and Scarabs took over the tomb they had been exploring. Ever since then Korbin has had a deathly fear of Scorpions. Aside from this incident, Korbin had a very sheltered lifestyle, only really interacting with children from other Pureblood Houses during balls, parties, holidays, and meetings. He was given pre Hogwarts tutoring, and attended Charms School as his father decided that Hogwarts would be much better than the more traditional Italian homeschooling. And so it was with a bit of confidence Korbin began his first year at Hogwarts, impressing his Professors with his quick grasp on the fundamentals. This solid foundation allowed Korbin to sit comfortable in the top ten of his year and the young Slytherin began working his charm on his house mates, receiving House points for classroom work and helping other first years with their homework. He boasted a respectful friendship with his dorm mates, but didn't see any of them as worthy followers, instead simply keeping tabs on them should they ever decide to go against him. He joined the Dueling Club, and the Slytherin Quidditch fan Club during first year but mainly just focused on improving himself and becoming a Dueler, something the Aparo family boasted for quite a long time in their history. This desire to become an accomplished duelist was furthered by the wielding of one of the Aparo heirloom wands, a wand that had bonded with him when his father passed the various heirloom wands to him to try in Ollivanders. Second year was much like the first, though Korbin took a much more active role in the Dueling club, constantly challenging older members and then analyzing the matches afterwards. During his second year he also won the Year 1-4 Wizards Chess tournament while also keeping his grades up in the top ten level. Though the only real classes where he shined was Charms and DADA, the rest he was simply book smart. And most of his grades came from his diligent homework and studying. During the break between his second and third year his father Angelo became a staunch ally of the growing Darkness in Great Britain. This meant that his son and heir was expected to be even more perfect, and the patriarch of the family became much more strict, correcting bad behavior with a sharp tongue and the occasional stinging hex should Korbin step out of line to much with his teenage rebellion. Luckily for Korbin this rarely happened and he put on the façade he gave to everyone else when he was at home, a perfect pure-blooded princeling though inside he was hurting a bit from the lack of any true friend or any affection from the home. Dueling saved him in the end, that and extra lessons with the Charms Professor who took pity on the depressed boy. Korbin started helping out in the Dueling Club, working with younger students and while he was a bit judgmental the work helped out a little. It also meant that he was more of an active member in his House which in turn embraced him. Now comes the approaching Fourth Year, and if the summer break was anything to go on his parents were worse than before, expecting perfection from him at all times and instead lavishing their attention that Korbin so desperately craved on Korbin's two younger brothers and sister, which Korbin was ok with so long as they didn't start in on them as well should Korbin fail the family in some way and end up getting denounced. He just wondered what he could do to make things better again.[/i][/color] [b][u]Extra: [/u][/b] [color=#D3D3D3][i]Allergic to Bees. Homosexual. Fluent in Italian though it does have a hint of an English Accent. Is from a quite well off family, something he takes for granted. His belongings are typically the best in that field.[/i][/color] [/hider] [hider=Late Night Escapades]Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry that charmed the hearts out of most of the magical population of Great Britain, the school that during the winter months was a picture of serenity and peace... "BANG! BANG! SWISH!" The loud sounds of either a cannon booming or an angry Hogwarts student suddenly interrupted that serene picture. A few moments more saw 12 year old Korbin Aparo appearing seething with anger as he stared down at his homework on the Goblin Civil War from his History of Magic class. The second year Slytherin scoffed in disgust even as he tore the parchment up and then curled it up into a tight ball in his fists. Stupid Professor was the pre-teens thought, giving him an Unacceptable on his homework, how dare he. Sure, the teen had wrote about the wrong Goblin Civil War but at least the information on the parchment was correct! Still seething, Korbin looked around at his surroundings and realized he had absolutely no idea where he was, such was his predicament. He shyly stowed his wand back in his holster at his right wrist and took a deep breath. It probably wasn't a good idea going around and causing a ruckus, especially since he had stayed in the library way later than he should have and curfew would be beginning quite soon. And while he was sure that no one really even knew who he was he didn't want to lose his House any points. He vaguely recognized the painting of Barnabas the Barney and his mind began piecing together that he was on the seventh floor. Groaning Korbin began resolving himself to the fact that he was going to be caught out of the common room and with a muttered curse threw his homework on the ground and [i]Incendio'd[/i] it. Stupid parchment... Just as he started heading to the staircase he heard the sounds of -someone- coming up. With a gasp the boy ran towards the nearest corridor, only to stop as a professor started coming out of his classroom farter down the hall. Stopping in his tracks Kor twisted his body and began starting for the opposite side of the corridor only for the unmistakable sound of the caretakers key chain to be heard. Taking a very brief moment to curse his luck the boy twisted and turned once, twice, and then three times not knowing what to do or where to go. All he wanted was a place to hide! Giving another curse that would send his mother into a fit Korbin closed his eyes as he gave up only to open them and find a door right infront of him. Tilting his head in surprise, bewilderment, and amazement the twelve year old only hesitated long enough to hear the keys rattle once again before rushing towards the door and slinging himself inside, slamming the door back and then gasping by what he saw inside. It was if someone had taken a picture of his ideal hiding spot. A small fire was roaring tiny flames around some neatly packed logs while a chair sat near the fire which was huddled in a elegantly carved marble fireplace. Beside the chair was a huge bookcase and on the other was a tray with tea and biscuits. With his jaw firmly planted on the floor, Korbin could only stare for a good ten minutes before his brain decided to go and see if this was some illusion or not. But as he approached the chair and felt the heat from the fireplace he knew this was no magical illusion. This was real. After a good minute of deliberation the Slytherin slowly sunk into the chair and exaled the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Holy crap that chair was comfortable! With a full smirk now firmly planted on his face Korbin leaned back and then yelped as the chair reclined. Gigging then uncontrollably Korbin picked up a book from the glass table beside of him and sighed in pure contentment. Surely he wouldn't be missed until the morning, if he was even missed at all! He knew one thing though, he was going to use this room as much as possible in the future... With the wide smile still on his face Korbin resigned himself to spending the night in the room, and thought that the only thing that needed to be changed was the cursed History Books that seemed to be all over the bookshelf.[/hider]