[@Normie][@CoyoteLovely][@Ciaran] It is a comparison between how people are using Expanded Horizons and how it was intended to be used. The fact is that there is only one actual RP going on. Subsequently, RPs are not crossing over or interacting, which was the whole point of EH in the first place. The sole active RP is doing well on its own, which begs the question, why bother having it in Expanded Horizons? It appears to be self-contained, and even if it wasn't, it wouldn't matter. User-created worlds are of no value if the GMs in charge of them are not maintaining them. The GM of the active RP would be better off redesigning that world on their own. It is a gigantic project, posted above all the other RPs, with a huge scale and fantastic plans, and it is very dead, to the point that members here consider it an eyesore. RPGuild is promoting a deserted section above all the other RPs, and it's a darn shame. In other words, the one active RP would succeed just as well in an existing section (likely Casual or Advanced) as it would in Expanding Horizon. In fact, it would do much better, since those sections are more active, and the GM will have full control over the RP, i.e. you won't have to wait for a mod to approve anything. It doesn't boil down to "If you don't like it, don't post there." That would apply to individual RPs, which are nestled in with the others of their class. This is a whole block of content on the main page. If it's going to be at the top, in its own class, it should be active enough to justify it, and it's not. As for gain and losses, the site is improved by having RPs correctly organized again. It helps activity and streamlines the main page, and it ultimately removes what is ultimately a failed endeavor from the main page, where it is proudly displayed for a vast majority of players to disregard. If you would examine the rest of this thread, you'll notice that leaving it as it is already upsets quite a few people, who would rather have it removed or scrapped rather than changed. HOWEVER, I don't have any interest in closing the active RP in EH, even if it is only one RP. Therefore, I recommend that [b]the active RP(s) be moved to another subsection and for Expanded Horizons to be terminated[/b]. I have no interest in deliberately discouraging any number of people, and the same likely goes for everyone else. I don't know the capabilities of the staff here but I imagine it is possible to move an RP from one section to another so that the players involved may continue at their leisure. Another acceptable outcome, already accepted by everyone else, would be for [b]Expanded Horizons to be moved below the Roleplay section[/b] so that it doesn't detract from the other 99% of RPs that are actually progressing.