[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e8/5a/43/e85a43087b6b78371bd1d04489f18409--scp-foundation-creepy-pasta.jpg[/img] Name: Kyysucara Race: Demon: Therion. A race of demon that feeds on other demons to gain their strength. Home World: Unkown. Class: Therion Overlord: None Likes: Eating, a good fight Dislikes: Going hungry, easy fights Personality: Kyy travels to find the tastiest demons and good fights. Nothing else really matters to him. He loves a good drink and is a flirt, often getting into trouble when trying to sneak peeks at the ladies. Weapons: Sword: D Fist: B Spear: S Bow: C Axe: B Gun: C Staff: A Fighting Style: Kyy relies on his speed in a fight. Evilities: Goals Align: Allies are not affected by his area attacks. Can still attack them if it's single target. Therion Blood: Each kill he gets has a chance of boosting his attack and speed. Skills: I'm Hungry!: Kyy grabs a target, taking a big bite to deal moderate damage and increase his own attack. Drunken Antics: Kyy pulls out a bottle of Sake and chugs it before either boosting his own attack and counter or reducing the defence and speed of anyone surrounding him. Legion: Kyy releases all of the power he's built up from his meals to unleash a flurry of strikes on everyone in his reach. Attack boosts on Kyy increase the number of hits but are then reset.