[@Genni] To be fair, those armors are extremely protective, but a fast and agile enemy would literally be impossible to keep track of. It'd be hard to move, even harder to see, hard to hear... it's fantastic protection, but those helmets are so solid that seeing out of them would be difficult af. [@ArisenMoon] Money is often the solution to many problems. I need a heater. Money. I need my computer fixed. Money. I want something to entertain me. Money. I want internet. Money. We could do all these things ourselves, with time, dedication, and energy, or someone else can do it and we give them money- credit from some other service we've provided- instead. :D [quote=@ArisenMoon] Also, is this a decent armor idea for Vrenal? [hider=Rycherd's Armor] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/b4/27/f6/b427f683a110182e17de923ea768b112--fantasy-art-warrior-knight-armor-fantasy.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/quote] I approve of this armor most of all. It's already as heavy or heavier than normal as-seen-in-real-life plate armor, and it's got a really nice look to it, plus it's got a helmet they'd be able to seen... somewhat out of! [@Major Sharpe] I'll try and have a CS up shortly. It won't be super long or nothin- my attention span ain't too long lately. Got some irl troubles.