Parum shifted uncomfortably when Davis expounded the "glory" of Tiamat returning. She wasn't sure if he was naive or a fanatic, and frankly it wasn't impossible that he might be both. [color=7ea7d8]"Yeah it'll certainly be... Something alright."[/color] Parum tried to put that subject aside as Davis though about getting Parum her own tent. He mentioned two options, one that his superiors wouldn't like, and the other which was to make due with some corner of the camp. Parum personally didn't like the idea of roughing it under the stars and storms, plus without the privacy of a tent it'll be difficult for Parum to try to keep her activities concealed without constant watch. So instead she tried to coax some more information out of Davis, or possibly even a favor. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh come on, surely you can help lil old me a bit more then that? Perhaps at least giving me some supplies to set up my own tent? I'll make it worth your while~[/color] [@Hekazu] [hider=Rolls] Persuasion - [url=]24[/url] [/hider]