[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180104/c1b992e3bd5b736584e4a34238cea8ef.png[/img] [color=00aeef]"Once around the tree...the fox is to be chasing the rabbit."[/color] Iosef mumbled absentmindedly, remembering the little story his father used, to teach him how to properly tie a tie. It was one of the few memories he had of the man that wasn't strictly about training or academics. With nimble fingers, Iosef pulled it comfortably snug around his neck. He took a moment to check his appearance in the mirror as he smoothed out his uniform. He had been awake for a few hours now and by the sounds of movement and the muffled murmurs in the hall, others were awake as well. He supposed it was getting time to join them. Grabbing up the bookbag that sat neatly beside his bedside table, Iosef did a quick mental checklist to make sure he had all that he would need for the day. Books, notebook,a knife, his two pistols, and a few pieces of bubblegum to get him through the day...you know the essentials. [color=ed1c24]“The time is now 7:15.”[/color] The disembodied voice caused Iosef to uncharacteristically jump just as he was about leave his room. [color=00aeef]“What in the hell?”[/color] A scowl was aimed at the ceiling as if to search for the offender. Finding none, he slipped out of his room and shut the door behind him. On silent feet the long limbed student stalked down the stairs and made a beeline for the kitchen. It seemed that it had been established as the meeting place. Just as he thought much of the household was gathered either partaking in casual conversation on what the day would hold or eating breakfast and then were even those that looked as if they had just come back from a run. [color=00aeef]“Morning.” [/color] He mumbled to signify his presence. Scanning the many faces he soon found the one he was looking for. Without a word the tall teen made his way over to petite Venezuelan by the stove. He reached to tap her shoulder but hesitated choosing to clear his throat instead. What was her name again? Kat. Da, Kat was it. [color=00aeef]“Err...this is for you.”[/color] He spoke once she turned around holding out a colorfully wrapped piece of candy. She was the one that offered him candy last night and he intended on repaying her. [color=00aeef]“Take it. I[color=00aeef]t is for last night. Now we are even, da?”[/color][/color] His tone was very straight to the point and left little room for an argument, his gaze was hard as he tried to judge her reaction.