[hider=WARNING BABBLE WITHIN][center][hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/retro-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171108/3cc215aec8d769a6b831c102a65aba38.png[/img][/url] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eBUYvDdhMNM/VDyi_-l7_WI/AAAAAAAADSo/qq1Y1WQo5g0/w1920-h1080-p/Full_HD_Girl_Wall_C%2B(25).jpg[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/retro-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171108/146649d97a98e3c915cc81fe745bcf65.png[/img][/url] [hr][hr][/center] [u][b][color=2FE3FF]Who the Hell is Bluemoondreamer?[/color][/b][/u] That’s a question I wish I could answer but honestly I may be a “What the hell is Bluemoondreamer? I could be a fancy AI or a former Netrunner’s ghost with no body to return to and a ghost lost in the net; there are rumors but honestly I don’t know and with the ability to even rewrite meat codes what does it matter? I am me and I go by Bluemoondreamer as my Address Handle which is a free floating address because if I linger too long in one spot the Feddie Netcops will find a dereze me. Lost Ghost of some Netdiver or Aberrant AI they don’t like my kind because we are the things that go bump in the dark corners of the World net and because this is where we live our own play ground. I like long walks on the virtual shores of the most well made VRs, Dancing in the VR Clubs and sometimes in the tank of some club as a feature Virtual Artist and Rocker Girl. I collect odd bits of information and Music as I explore my ever changing world but stay clear of the dangers of the Data Citadels of the Corps for there there be Monsters and I’m too young and tasty. Netrunners, Netdivers, Hackers, and Trolls drop by and ask me to hold stuff for them or if I might have collected at least the echo of information they need and I am treasured for my Priestess like quality to keep it to myself. I can’t be Bought or Bartered because what does a ghost need with money or goods? Then Why do what I do? I like watching people and what is life without purpose? Plus I admit that I also get lonely alone in my head [center][h1]My Lobby[/h1] [img]https://blogs-images.forbes.com/jimdobson/files/2014/10/lobby-castle-dalian-a-luxury-collection-hotel.jpg[/img][/center] Some of you who are cautious may notice it was I who dropped the hints that lead you here, they are my own version of the turing test that casts of the expectations of the biologicals aside to discover if you are truly alive in the sense of a Plasmic lifeform; oh and that was only stage one...let's not rush. Like the sign says this is my lobby and it is a place where people who don’t judge each other come to help, network, employ, look for help, or just to chat. The tables are free space and can be used as private chat rooms on request. [hr] Dreamer is a floating citadel who sets up in various unused corners of the net; think of it as a virtual bar or conference room ...The Major’s Lobby in the Ghost in the shell series. People could get her to do simple ID’s so that everyone could at least move about normally Dreamer is like a fixer in the low rent underworld; I say low rent because she doesn’t charge so she gets a lot of broke beggars. Her only real payment is that you keep a journal of contacts or information you’d be willing to share in the citadel library; in the virtual world data is barter….oh and insurance if you label it open only on my death or imprisonment. Sorry about the babble but I binge watched some Ghost in the Shell and thought in the Android world there are two states of being, physically interactive and virtual, meats live in both as well but not as completely. [/hider]