[quote=@ArisenMoon]Wow, money your only solution?[/quote] If something works... :) [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@OfWindAndRain]To be fair, those armors are extremely protective, but a fast and agile enemy would literally be impossible to keep track of. It'd be hard to move, even harder to see, hard to hear... it's fantastic protection, but those helmets are so solid that seeing out of them would be difficult af.[/quote] That's presumiung there's only one guy wearing the armour. You get a hundred people wearing suits like that, moving across the battlefield slicing at anyone who gets close enough with their giant sword and it's a different story. [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@ArisenMoon] Putting aside all the differences and squabbles our characters will have, the young queen should really feel lucky. She is getting advisors in almost every field she needs coming to help her. Gonna be a good queen. [/quote] We just need a Great Admiral and someone to watch over the farmlands and we'll have all the bases covered. Also, they're not 'squabbles' they're 'political debates'. :P [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@ReusableSword]I can see kamahl spoiling her with rare flowers and fantastic stories of beasts and his land.[/quote][quote=@ArisenMoon]Rycherd can tell her knightly stories, of riding into battle and the glory and honor people think go into war.[/quote] Carmella will be bringing the jewellry and spices from the south lands to also compete for her affection. [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@ArisenMoon]Oh, and here is a standard Vrenal soldier. Just change the colors to blue and gold.[/quote] Something like this: [hider=Soldier][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oPbpILQ.png[/img][/center][/hider]