[center][h2][color=6ecff6]The Bahiri Stellar Directorate[/color][/h2][/center] [h3][color=6ecff6]The Collective Network[/color][/h3] Omega looked curiously at other Master’s avatars. It wasn't every day that a meeting of this size was called - all Masters gathered in the most secured segment of the network. So far it has been unclear to what purpose. There was an indistinct chatter, the other Masters were exchanging information and speculating about what is going on. Omega remained aside. She was still new amongst the Masters and only knew most of them by name and area of expertise. Finally Alpha appeared. [color=82ca9d]“We have some important business to discuss,”[/color] he said to everyone. No unnecessary pleasantries, Omega liked that. [color=82ca9d]“As all of you should know, we are currently focusing on a project to repair nearby habitat Khalante, so we can continue spreading the population gradually.”[/color] Beta smiled arrogantly. Khalante was his project and he was taking pride in reminding the others how important it is. Slightly illogical approach, since everything that mattered was the prosperity of the Directorate, but it was not Omega’s place to judge. [color=82ca9d]“But this project and most of the others will be put on hold for now.” [/color] Beta’s smile froze. [color=c4df9b]“That is completely illogical and inefficient, we have already invested so much in it,...”[/color] [color=82ca9d]“It can wait,”[/color] Alpha interrupted him. [color=82ca9d]“We have more pressing matters to attend to.”[/color] Omega’s avatar frowned before she could control herself. The more pressing matters must be the mess with the so-called Fist of Justice. Her mess. [color=82ca9d]“A short time after the Directorate was founded and order established, we have detected several signals from other parts of the solar system. Signals from other civilizations.”[/color] The silence ensued, all of the Masters just staring at Alpha, stunned by surprize. [color=82ca9d]“The decision was made to keep it an absolute secret from the general population, even from most of the Masters,”[/color] Alpha continued. Omega had thousands of thoughts on her mind. How was Alpha able to keep it secret for so long? And why? Contacts with other civilizations could be potentially beneficial for both sides. But thinking about it more in depth, especially in light of recent events, Omega realized the downside of it all. [color=6ecff6]“It could destabilize the society,”[/color] she mumbled to herself. Unfortunately there isn't much difference between mumbling and yelling in the virtual world. All the Masters turned to her. Omega froze, expecting to be in trouble for talking without actually being asked anything, but Alpha nodded with what seemed to be a satisfied smile. [color=82ca9d]“Exactly. The only reason we can control the population now is that we have total control over all of the variables and we are able to predict consequences to most decisions. But still, even now there are threats within the society, which we cannot afford to ignore. If we add external civilizations to the equation, the number of variables grows exponentially and the consequences become unpredictable.”[/color] [color=f9ad81]“The trade could be potentially beneficial,”[/color] Delta repeated Omega’s thoughts. He was overseeing the stability of the economy, and as far as Omega knew, he was excellent at it. [color=82ca9d]“I agree,”[/color] Alpha nodded. [color=82ca9d]“But only as long as we manage to keep all of it a secret. General population must not be involved. Until now, we have been trying to avoid contact by masking our signals and staying out of everyone’s way, but the situation has changed. Separately, the other civilizations didn’t pose a threat. But since they are starting to communicate with each other, we can no longer afford to stay out of the loop. If the others were to unite and move against us, we cannot fight them off. For now, we have several goals. Find out who are we dealing with, how big threat are they, try to make sure that their potential alliances aren’t too strong and their potential fights don’t influence us. And of course ensure that we don’t have any uninvited vessels in our airspace. For that we will need some reliable people to function as envoys. Omega,”[/color] he turned to her, [color=82ca9d]“you will be overseeing this operation. You are to find trustworthy people with necessary skills. Full disclosure.”[/color] She just stared at him, eyes widened with surprise, or maybe with horror. SHE will be overseeing the operation? And FULL DISCLOSURE? There were maybe five Normals who were in on the whole business, all of them from the Committee. [color=6ecff6]“I.. Um… I don’t…”[/color] she stuttered. [color=82ca9d]“You need to begin immediately, there is no time to lose. And remember, it is of utmost importance that we protect the stability. NOTHING can reach the general population. In the meantime, the resources from the project Khalante will be focused into advanced weapons research. The only part from the habitat examination research we will maintain is the automated defences segment.”[/color] Omega hardly even listened to him. She expected to be reprimanded for the rebellious group mess and not be given responsibility for first contacts with other civilizations. She almost didn’t notice Alpha dismissing the other Masters and turning to her. [color=82ca9d] “You are confused,”[/color] he said and she just nodded. That was one way to put it. [color=82ca9d]“Logical reasons, Omega, logical reasons. Why did I choose someone so inexperienced for such task?”[/color] How the hell did this turn into an exam? [i]‘Stop being such a whiny child and THINK. That is what you are literally programmed to do.’[/i] She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to reduce the number of things attacking her mind. Why would he choose her? Delta was the economical leader, he would be much better in negotiating trade agreements. Beta had experience in leading complex projects. Alpha himself, well, he had experience in everything. What could she possibly have that they didn’t? [color=6ecff6]“You don’t want someone experienced. You want someone who… someone with a different point of view, someone without experience, but also without a strict and lined mind?”[/color] [color=82ca9d]“You prove your worth,”[/color] he gave her a proud smile. [color=82ca9d]“We have become somewhat… rigid. Maintaining status quo is important, but when the world around us changes, we need to react to that. I will take care of the rebels myself. We have a special shuttle prepared, on which you and your companions can travel. Good luck.”[/color] Luck is an illogical construction, she thought as she disconnected from the Network. What was happening? [h3][color=6ecff6]Bahiri Prime, The Blue Order headquarters[/color][/h3] Tilak’s mood sunk into a bottomless pit when he received a message ordering him to come to the high chief’s office. Dishonorable discharge? Prison? Or maybe just a stern goodbye and an order for one of the stealthy assassins? Whatever it will be, he would face it with honor. At least he hoped so. Damn, he should have just quit and start drinking. He took a deep breath before entering the office. Chief Mandoly was already waiting for him. Tilak always felt like a dwarf next to this man; Mandoly was a tall and muscular man with an intimidating look. And while he looked like a brainless muscle, nothing could be further from the truth. He was an astute politician with a seat on the Committee. [color=6ecff6]“Sir, I just wanted to say that I am sorry about…”[/color] Tilak started to talk, but Mandoly interrupted him. [color=82ca9d]“Forget about it,”[/color] he just waved his hand. Tilak felt his jaw drop. [i]‘What?’[/i] he thought to himself, but didn’t manage to actually say anything. [color=82ca9d]“You have been reassigned,”[/color] Mandoly continued. [i]‘Aah, that’s what it was. I am going to scrub toilets on EL-2 for the rest of my life.’[/i] [color=82ca9d]“But I have to warn you. This assignment is issued directly by the Committee. Level seven security clearance. One word about it to anyone outside this room, and…”[/color] he left the sentence unfinished, but it was pretty obvious what he meant. Level seven? Tilak was level four and as far as he knew, there were only five security levels, with the fifth one reserved only for the top ranking officers.[color=6ecff6] “Sir, may I ask, why me? My latest mission didn’t end up very well and…”[/color] Way to go Tilak, way to go. Mandely nodded. [color=82ca9d]“That is true. Were up to me, you would be kicked out of the Order. But the request was for you specifically. Whatever project this is, someone seems to think that you are necessary for its success. For some reason.”[/color] Contempt was dripping from his words. He walked over to Tilak and handed him a small datapad. [color=82ca9d]“Don’t mess it up,”[/color] he growled and turned to the window. Tilak figured that the audience was over and left the office, clutching the small piece of electronics in his shaking hand. What was happening? [h3][color=6ecff6]Lao, The nest Beili[/color][/h3] Professor Kabiri walked closer to the edge of the platform. No matter how long he was in Beili, he could never get used to this view. Bahiri Prime was a beautiful world, but Lao was… different. Where Bahiri Prime was gentle and civilized, Lao was wild and untainted by any technology. Sharp mountain peaks, deep ocean trenches, forests and meadows, wild rivers. It seemed like descriptions of the Paradise from the ancient texts. Umlau, the Aelli designated as his guide, came closer to him smiling. [color=82ca9d]“No fall. Long fall.”[/color] Most Aelli, or the Gliders how people from Bahiri Prime called them, used their native language, even though they did understand and spoke the common language (evidently called English in times before the Shattering) to some extent. But Kabiri wasn’t here to hear the natives speak English. He was here to study the many dialects of the language of Lao - surprisingly common to both Aelli and Oelli. [color=6ecff6]“No worries. I fall not,”[/color] he replied, trying to remember the right words. [color=82ca9d]“Will not fall,”[/color] Umlau corrected him, grinning. [color=82ca9d]“You learn fast.”[/color] Kabiri nodded. He always has. In very impractical fields, but fast. He had doctorates in pre-shattering history and literature, anthropology and linguistics, and he had written several publications about extinct languages. Not that it made him popular. People these days didn’t care much about what was before. [color=82ca9d]“Message for you,”[/color] Umlau handed him a datapad carefully as if it were some priceless relic. Some of the Aelli still preferred to leave the technology to other races and continue living the simple lives of their ancestors. Kabiri reached for the datapad, intrigued. Maybe the university wants him to return? He couldn't really think of anyone else who would want to send him a message, as he had no family and no close friends. Whatever it was, it most likely wasn't good news. He opened the message and gasped for air when he saw the official Committee signature. The message was short and didn't provide much information. He was apparently chosen for a top secret project and if he wanted to participate, he needed to come to some location on Beta-6. Why would they want him of all people? As far as he knew, scientific research received most funding, other areas like his had to live off scraps. Maybe they discovered some pre-shattering relics they need help deciphering? There was no point in trying to guess. He didn’t know what to do - he had made a lot of progress here and there still was a lot more to do, but could he afford to decline such opportunity? He already knew he couldn’t. He had to go and see what this top secret thing was about. [h3][color=6ecff6]Area Beta-6, industrial complex SiX-17[/color][/h3] The ship was beautiful, elegant piece of metal, sitting in the middle of the spaceport. Omega didn’t have much time to appreciate it when the Minions chosen to go with her on the mission brought her inside, but later she connected to the Network and looked up the schematics and images. Equipped with the latest stable model of the engines and deflector shields to help avoid damage from tiny asteroids and pieces of debris, that were floating around almost everywhere in the system. No weapons though. While the Directorate had access to some rather advanced weapon systems, this was a diplomatic mission. And if they were to be killed and the ship captured, no unnecessary technology will fall into the hands of the enemy. One could say that Omega was nervous. And even though being nervous was an illogical waste of energy, she found herself worried about the outcome of the meeting. The male Minion carried her to her chair, helped her sit comfortably and started to prepare connection to the communication system. [color=6ecff6]“Thank you,”[/color] she whispered and he looked at her with a surprise. He stared for maybe a second and then just nodded his head and continued working. [i]‘That was weird,’[/i] Omega thought. The Minions usually didn’t react like this, most of the time they didn’t react at all, usually just nodding or smiling was enough. This one seemed different. She pushed the thought aside for now, because her guest was almost here. The Minion finished connecting her to the communication device and left the room. She looked over the device - it seemed to be just a computer screen, but it allowed her to convert her thoughts directly into text and voice. She could talk normal way, but it was too exhausting for longer conversations. This was much more comfortable, even though it took her a lot of time to learn how to use it and not project every random thought that drifted through her mind, it was worth the effort. Omega knew there are some highly trained assassins outside of the ship and that they are ready to eliminate anyone on her order. Of course, if her guest decided to harm her, it wouldn’t do her much good, but she didn’t think that was going to happen. *** Tilak was nervous. He tried to look as confident as possible, but he couldn't get his hands to stop shaking. Finally, he was about to find out what this top secret mission was, and what did level seven even mean. He followed the instructions to find a ship, a very different kind than the one that brought him to Beta-6. That one was a common freighter, designed to efficiently haul cargo and passengers from one place to another. This ship seemed to provide certain level of comfort to its passengers, along with decent speed and safety. The ship’s interior confirmed his thoughts. It looked like a luxurious condo. He was stopped by two men, who searched him for weapons. Shivers ran down Tilak’s spine when he recognized the signs on their shoulders. The Indigo squad, most elite assassins in the Blue Order. One of them led him through the hallways, stopping in front of one door and gesturing Tilak to enter. Tilak took a deep breath and went inside. The room was dim, lit mostly by screens and monitors. There was a small figure sitting in a chair, surrounded by wires. Tilak came closer and saw it is a young girl, very thin and pale, looking very sick. She was watching him carefully. [color=6ecff6]“Welcome, officer Tilak.”[/color] The voice seemingly came out of nowhere, synthesized by the computer, but the girl smiled slightly at him, so he knew she was the one talking. Still it was creepy to hear her speak without actually moving her lips. [color=6ecff6]“We have much to discuss.”[/color] She started talking and his world got turned upside down. A few minutes later he was sitting on the ground, his head spinning from the trillions of questions running around in his mind. So all he believed about the government was a lie? Entire Directorate was controlled by these mysterious Masters? Looking at it from different sides, he realized it doesn't really matter - he was used to following orders, they were just coming from different places now. The other part was much more interesting. Other sentient beings, even while civilizations? And he of all people has been chosen for the first contact with them? He couldn't wrap his head around that. [color=fdc68a]“Master? Umm, mistress? Umm…”[/color] [i]‘She must think I'm a complete idiot.’[/i] [color=6ecff6]“Just call me Omega,”[/color] the computer voice replied. She was still smiling, that was a good sign. Hopefully. [color=fdc68a] “Omega. I was wondering, out of all people in the Directorate…”[/color] He wanted to add the pretty part about his last operation turning into a disaster, but remembering how well did that work with the chief, he bit his lip instead and left the sentence unfinished. [color=6ecff6]“Why did I choose you? Despite your recent accomplishments?”[/color] Her grin got wider. Tilak stared at her. She knew all about it and she was making fun of him. He didn't know whether to be glad or angry, but it was somewhat comforting to know that this being had a sense of humor. [color=6ecff6]“I apologize, that was inappropriate. I needed someone I could trust, who will follow orders while keeping open mind, who isn't as rigid and arrogant like many of your colleagues are. Believe it or not, I was chosen for similar reasons. Now to our mission. You will act as a representing voice for the Directorate, we can discuss the details later. The existence of the Masters must remain a secret. This part of the ship is shielded from any scans, no one will be able to detect me here. We have some time before our next companion arrives, so I suggest you use that time for studying these files.”[/color] Tilak nodded absent-mindedly. There was so much to think about, so many thoughts in his head. He came closer to Omega to download the files into his tablet, trying very hard not to stare at her. She looked so fragile, like her tiny arms could break from a faintest breath of wind. She tilted her head and her eyes narrowed. [color=6ecff6]“Do I repulse you?”[/color] Tilak ran his hand through his hair nervously. He felt like she could read his mind, looking at him like that. And who knows, perhaps she could. Would she order those two guys outside to dump his body into a garbage collector somewhere if she didn't like his answer? [color=fdc68a]“No. I just thought you look very… vulnerable.”[/color] [color=6ecff6]“Yes, that is one of the many disadvantages,”[/color] she sneered. Tilak nodded, even though he had just a faint idea of what was she talking about. He downloaded the files and turned to her, not sure what to say. Omega smiled. [color=6ecff6]“You will do fine,”[/color] she said in a hoarse whisper. Her own voice. *** The crew was getting the ship ready for takeoff. Omega, hidden in a secret part of the ship, was connected to the its systems and double checking everything was in order. She couldn’t connect to the Collective Network anymore, and she sort of missed it, but she had downloaded all information that might be relevant to a private database, thus creating her own tiny version of the Network. She went through the feed from security cameras. The two members of the Indigo squad remained on board, they will be going along, disguised as members of the crew. The rest of the crew - captain, navigator and a mechanic had no idea Omega existed. To them, Tilak was a leader of this expedition. Omega could see professor Kabiri walking around the ship, looking excitedly at everything. She was originally worried about how he was going to take the news, but it seemed like he didn’t care about the politics at all. He was absolutely consumed by the exciting opportunity to communicate with other civilizations, ignoring everything else in the process. After she told him everything, he asked if the ship has a name. She had to laugh. Out of all questions, he asks that. When she gave him the ship’s identification number, he frowned and proposed it be named Athena. Apparently that was something from pre-shattering mythology. Omega agreed, if only to keep him happy. As the engines were starting, she disconnected from all systems and closed her eyes, enjoying the relative quiet in her brain. *** When the ship launched, Kayl closed his eyes and scratched the tattoo on his face. Damn, was he in some serious trouble. It all started as a risky but simple mission - pretend to be a Minion and get placed into one the hidden and extremely well guarded safehouses. Very dangerous and kinda dull work, but orders were orders. And the plan worked, soon he uncovered one of the biggest secrets that the governments was hiding - the existence of these twisted creatures, the Masters. He patiently waited for an opportunity to pass a message out, meanwhile hacking into the systems the Masters were using to communicate and trying to get as much information out of it as possible. It was fascinating how much control they had over the society and how they managed to keep it a secret. [i]‘But so can we,’[/i] Kayl thought with pride. He did notice that the Masters already knew about the Fist of Justice, but fortunately they couldn’t find any solid evidence about its members. To actually live amongst the Minions was excruciatingly boring experience, to the point that Kayl sometimes doubted the Fist’s mission to give them equal rights. They didn’t seem to care about their rights, in fact they seemed so happy they can serve. Kayl had a lot of problems pretending that, but until now, he had been successful. What has he gotten himself into? Being a member of a secret organization seemed like a fun way to kill time, but how did he get from that to being a double agent in one of the most secret places in the Directorate? And now he was on a ship flying devil knows where, he didn’t have time to get any messages out, and what’s worse, that Master girl caught him off guard today. He had no idea if she was onto him, but it was possible. He had to find out what was happening.