[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dNTpes5.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/rBQ99TU.gif[/img] [/center] Bliss for the most part remained quiet. She was still trying to absorb what had just transpired. That, and it seemed like people were still divided on what to do. Last time not very many of them wanted to assist with Alexandria or Krista. But it seemed like this time people were a bit more vocal about what they thought they should do. She would continue to listen, but wasn't sure how much longer this conversation would remain civil. Jezebel nodded in Felix's direction. [color=lightblue]”Like, totally! I wanna hear the juicy gossip on this one. Like, what went down?”[/color] [color=magenta]”It's actually not that interesting.”[/color] Monokuma was sitting on a table, drinking soda out of a can like he had been there the entire time. [color=magenta]”But the point is that one of my daughters managed to get herself tangled up with another patient! And that means that I'm going to need some help talking her down, so...”[/color] The bear reached inside his mouth and pulled out a big black box and set it on the table. [color=magenta]”I'm willing to bust out proposition D: You pry Krista from my daughter's cold, dead hands, and I give you access to the third floor, and this beta tape player!”[/color] Dr Killgood placed his hands on top of the black box. [color=magenta] “So let's start thinking of war strategies so that you guys can win all of these cool prizes.”[/color] [color=tomato]Come now, Killgood.[/color] A familiar voice poured into the room through the monitor's speakers. [color=tomato]What type of doctor hides things from his own patients? [/color] The bear waved his hand. [color=magenta]”Get lost in the woods you!”[/color] of course Davis didn't respond, and wouldn't respond to anything that was asked of him. With a crack, the monitor sparked to life. Davis Gallo's face was up for all to see. He did not look [color=tomato]”Since your doctor doesn't want to tell you what happened, I'll do the honors.”[/color] Davis didn't look especially pleased to be on the screen talking, despite his smug tone. [color=tomato]”The reason Nariko was able to capture Krista was because she wandered into Nariko's room, and Cyrus didn't stop her. She was able to do this because Nariko gave Krista her handbook. Much like Calvin, she chose to keep this a secret from everyone, except for Cyrus. They hid something from all of you, despite the consequences this had last time. Shona died because of a secret, so did Marianne and Erin. Even Lucas's desire for escape could be seen as a sort of secret. But we're kidding ourselves if we pretend Krista and Cyrus are the only people currently hiding something. How many times are you going to make the same mistake? How long are you going to pretend you can live in harmony with each other?”[/color] Davis sighed. [color=tomato]”But I digress. I just appeared to inform everyone of what has transpired. Do as you will.”[/color] And with that, the monitor went dead. Most of the infinites were recovering from Davis's sudden appearance, but Jezebel was not one of them. She looked like she was trying to hold back a laugh. [color=lightblue]”Okay, so I've gotta ask. Are we like, totally willing to get killed for some beta tape player, a new floor, and the freedom of someone who was hiding something from us?”[/color] Bliss was a bit shocked with Jezebel's behavior. Despite the fact that the clown looked happy, she could sense a sort of instability. [color=#F08172]”N-now Jezebel.”[/color] Bliss raised her hands in a calming manner. [color=#F08172]”It's not a good idea to let past grudges-”[/color] [color=lightblue]”Past grudges? What's your damage?”[/color] Jezebel turned to face Bliss. [color=lightblue]”We totally risked our lives so that she could call her brother. But the Noid decides to trust Bogus boy over us?”[/color] She pointed at Cyrus without looking at him. [color=lightblue]”He didn't even show his baggable face that night!”[/color] The clown wasn't smiling anymore. Her entire body was trembling. [color=#F08172]”It's okay to feel betrayed.”[/color] Bliss tried to close the distance between them. She was sure if she could just place her hand on Jezebel's shoulder, the trickster would start to calm down. The clown seemed to enjoy physical contact, if the group hug incident was anything to go by. [color=#F08172]”But we also haven't been here as long as Cyrus.”[/color] Before Bliss's hand could get too close, Jezebel smacked it away. [color=lightblue]”Bogus!”[/color] The clown's breathing was visibly heavier. [color=lightblue]”How I feel t-totally doesn't matter anyway. Like, why are we even arguing this?”[/color] She pointed at Aleecia with a shaking hand. [color=lightblue]”Blind Betty is okay with it, Krista doesn't deserve a say, and as the little Baldwin said, nobody has to die.”[/color] With a shake of her head, Jezebel lowered her arm. [color=lightblue]”I'm not going to die for some false sense of honor.”[/color] She eyed Max before folding her arms. But then her gaze shifted back onto Cyrus. [color=lightblue]”I'm so not helping, and I don't care how pissy you get. You totally just wanna stick your podium in her violin case anyway.”[/color] Monoikuma scratched the back of his head. [color=magenta]”I... Might be willing to help, if you'd have me.”[/color]