[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LmI5N2FlMS5RbTl1WlhOM2IzSmsuMAAA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img][/center] As the child knocked into Bonesword, the devil fruit encyclopedia the boy had been holding flew onto the ground along with Bonesword. Hastily fixing his scarf, Bonesword stared at the mother and child as he and Lilliana were... observed was the best neutral term. They didn't know, but by the deck of the Runner, Bonesword definitely wanted to teach them a thing or two. The Shroomblade stayed silent, as usual. It didn't have anything to say on the matter of what was going on. [color=bc8dbf][b]"... it's okay... it's okay... they don't know what we've been through... it's okay..."[/b][/color] Bonesword repeated the two words under his breath as he climbed back up onto his feet, holding the devil fruit encyclopedia once more in his hands. He walked over to his own mom and proceeded to hug her with one arm, the other still holding onto the encyclopedia. [color=bc8dbf][b]"I think you're a great mother."[/b][/color] Those words didn't hold just for Bonesword's personal experience. It seemed like everyone on the Rum Runner liked Lilliana in some way that could be described as maternal. She was the best mom the crew had, and the only one that Bonesword ever had. The boy looked at the book he held. There were so many possibilities to learn, and better yet, so many more possibilities to expand. The book was published in what seemed like an unfinished state, leaving a lot of blank room under each entry of the recorded fruits. Maybe this was something Bonesword was meant to do? Record all of the devil fruits he could in this book? That'd be amazing. Problem is, he had to actually get the book first. The boy wandered over to the librarian in the room and placed the book in front of her. In a soft and sweet voice, the skeleton child asked the librarian. [b][color=bc8dbf]"Miss, can I buy this book? I need to have it."[/color][/b] That last part was true. Bonesword needed it. It was destiny.