Lemme know if I need to fix anything. [hider=Milo Argentum] Name: Milo Argentum Age: 29 Rank: Nobility Title: Lord Milo Havishmar Argentum, Head of the third noble house of Kagrenan, also known as The Vengeful Son in Kagrenan. Features: Milo is a rather tall man, standing six feet tall, he has dark hair and bright eyes, silver colored, a traits of his family, he is often seen in tattered and dirty working clothes, seeing as his profession would disagree with the finery of the council meetings. he tends to have a smokey air around him nearly at all times, as well as the scent of earth, not in an unpleasant way though he clearly lives in a different kind of world to the majority of people that would call themselves noble. When donning finery for his meetings and interactions with nobility Milo will usually wear dark colors outlined with silver, as well as wearing silver adornments. [hider=Milo's headshot] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/8e/ec/79/8eec790d955650e52cd0961114a8ea0c--dragon-age-characters-fantasy-characters.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Milo's finery] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/f081/i/2013/226/e/3/black_by_artastrophe-d6i4ejl.jpg[/img] [/hider] Strengths: [list] [*] [b]Artisan[/b] - Milo is a savant at the art of blacksmithing, his talent extends to all metals and gemstone crafting. [*] [b]Combatant[/b] - Milo is trained in swordsmanship, seeing as he is surrounded by weapons nearly constantly he may as well learn to use one. [*] [b]Merchant[/b] - Milo has developed a reputation as a merchant lord of Kagrenan and secured his place as a noble house. [*] [b]Enchanted[/b] - Milo's talent in smithing is in part to a minor magical trait of weaving enchantments into his tools during the forging process. [/list] Weaknesses: [list] [*] [b]Naive[/b] - Milo rose to power through sheer skill and business sense, not his cutthroat attitude. [*] [b]Prideful[/b] - Milo holds himself and his household highly and any insult made against either are remembered. [*] [b]Inexperienced[/b] - Milo has never seen combat, he is no knight, as well he has served as a council member in Kagrenan only a short time. [*] [b]Hunted[/b] - Milo is ever the target of a rival family of Kagrenan, the Kaires, for having their father executed for the murder of Jenramo Argentum. [/list] Bio: Milo grew up in a lesser noble house, the Argentum family was nothing to scoff at but they were nowhere near powerful enough to get a seat on the council of Kagrenan. Jenramo Argentum, Milo's father, taught Milo the family trade of smithing, only to find that Milo was extraordinary, his talents were unprecedented and began the upward climb to nobility for his family. Milo was taught business and speech on the roads to and from Kagrenan, and his father was more proud day after day, and soon enough when Milo was twenty five, his father recieved a letter, sealed with the official stamp of the council, the Argentum family was from that day forward to be know as the ninth noble house of Kagrenan, and as head of household Jenramo took the council seat. The ninth seat was prestigious and a family that had been there previously had to be removed, the Kaires had held that seat for a decade or more, and were not keen to relinquish it quietly. In the middle of the night, Jenramo was attacked and murdered in the street, leaving his only son, now twenty six, to lead his house, and take his place on the council. Milo's first day on the council was met with chuckles and sneers, but this was shut down quickly as Milo took a drastic action, he called for the immeadiate arrest of the Head of the Kaires family, the act was one of anger and pain, and the council knew that a blood fued was imminent if they couldn't assuage his anger, but Milo would have none of it, and a stack of paper was set on the table, Milo knew that an unjust arrest would only hurt him and his hold, he had in the time leading to the meeting, compiled the evidence needed to place guilt. The council poured over the documents, records of purchase, eyewitness accounts, even a couple of confessionals from guards that had been paid off to miss their patrols, every underhanded scheme laid bare by the vengeful son. The council had no choice, murder and schemes while commonplace, were still illegal, and the sentence for murder was death, the Kaires blame Milo, they believe that he caused their fathers madness, but it was no use, the man was executed, and the blow to the families honor forced them to go into exile and leave Kagrenan, though from then, the council learned that the might of the Argentum family, had been Milo the whole time. Milo climbed the ranks all the way to become the third house of Kagrenan, but as he vied to continue up, another scheme was laid to slow him, the Queen needed a council, and who better to go and not be in Kagrenan, ruining centuries of custom, than the prodigy smith and vengeful son. The decision was nearly unanimous, Milo was chosen as the representative that would take part of the Queens council and represent the interest of Kagrenan, the only person to vote against this decision, was the Seventh House, the Markans, even Milo felt that this was a job for him, only because he felt that being that close to the Queen might give him an exclusive trade deal, but who knows what the future holds. Quote: [color=f26522]"The passion of the house is like the flame of the forge, too little and nothing is made, too much and the result is ruined, take steps with care and always press forward."[/color] [/hider] [hider=Kagrenan, The City of Mines] [center]Province Name: Kagrenan, The City of Mines [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/eb57/th/pre/f/2013/309/1/6/windom_academy_by_tyleredlinart-d6t4vqi.jpg[/img][/center] Province Ruler: Kagrenan is led by a council made of the nine most powerful Houses. Position: Kagrenan is located to the south of the Crownlands Notable Attributes: Kagrenan is known mostly for it's mines and it's Smiths, most of the noble houses reached their position though these means. Kagrenan is also at this point nearly entirely subteranean, outside of some shops and farms, as well as the ornate gate that leads down to the city proper. Description: Kagrenan was at first nothing more than a mining town, though soon, the rich veins of ore drew more and more people, until soon, life in the town had to be altered, space on the surface began to dwindle and the decision was made by the mines foreman to move some of the living quarters down to the upper levels of the mines. As time passed the mines expanded and a city began to flourish beneath the feet of the people above, so much so, they decided that they wanted to become a province of their own, and the foreman, Kagrenan, became the first leader of the city, and named the city after himself. As with most stories that start with a man naming himself king and renaming a town after himself, his reign was short and bloody, Kagrenan was deposed and a new leader was installed, though even still as the city kept growing and trade became the life blood of the nation, the power of a king became more and more outdated, this wave of commercialism led to the founding of the council, at first it was only three, and they advised the king in matters of state, but in truth the council only managed to end the royal lines, and placed themselves as the leaders of the city. Many generations have passed since the triumverate and six other seats have been added since, one for every additional level to the city created, until now where there are nine levels, and nine seats. The current iteration of the council has been the most prosperous as well as the most contentious with the recent exile of a noble house and the execution of its head, though trust in the council has still never been higher, and the belief that the councilor chosen to aid the Queen, was a wise choice, is echoed through the halls. [/hider]