[@Noodles] The giant's fragment began pulling Abbygail towards him, slowly, much slower than he would've liked, or even thought possible. For someone so tiny, the purple haired woman was strong. "STabbing a man in the back!" The giant growled, slowly but surely reeling his prey towards him. "Have you no shame!" He gritted his teeth as the pain in his back throbbed. He was starting to feel cold, and could feel the hot liquid flowing down onto his lower back. Desperation fueled his muscles and even as life left his body the amount of chain between the two decreased. That is until the Janet woke up, or seemed to wake up. It was hard to tell if she was still asleep or not. All Abbygail knew for sure was she was exerting her power, in a much different way than she'd seen before. The giant was lifted off the ground, and pulled towards the young woman. In his surprise he shouted something incoherent and let go of the purple haired woman's chain. On instinct she pulled the blade from the man's back, and dug her scythe into the ground to keep herself from being pulled forwards. "Argh!" The giant would've roared, if he had enough strength in his body. Unsure of what was going on, he decided to roll with the situation as best he could. He made a fist, and pulled it back, intent on striking the small woman when he got into range of her. [@grandia20] "Urgh!" The giant mumbled when the blow hit his head. He tried to move his arm to ward off any further attacks, but all he managed to do was shift his weight and cause himself to flop over and land on his back. "Grr." He muttered, too tired and weak to care about anything outside of the fact that another blow didn't arrive. Frowning, he closed his eyes and gave a single snore before the power the devil fruit infused in his heart faded away. [@Shiyonichi] The giant roared as he closed in on Red-Eyes, thrusting the boulder in his hand forwards. Although he was certain she'd be able to dodge the strike, that didn't stop him from putting in as much power as he could manage into the blow. As was the case for everything the giant did, there was intent to crush bones and pop organs in his thrust. So there was quiet the high amount of force when he finally reached the woman and felt the stone disappear in his hands, sending fragments of rocks shooting towards him like a blast from a shotgun. One particularly nasty piece of stone got him right in the forehead, just above the eyes. The blow to his brain's cage wasn't enough to kill the giant. His skull was harder than normal and it would take much more than that to cause it to crack. The blow was, however, enough to give his brain a good tumble about. It hit the front of his skull and then slid back to smack into the back. The fluid that normally worked as cushion failed in doing anything more than keeping him from death. As his brain reeled from the multiple impacts, the giant's concentration completely vanished. For a brief time he had no idea who he was, what he was, where he was, how he was, or anything else for that matter. All in all he was lucky he still know how to breath and didn't forget how to keep his heart from stopping completely. The one benefit of the strike, if one were dead set on finding some kind of silver lining was he wasn't aware of his opponent drawing her sword and slashing him deeply across the chest. As the blood left his body the man's strength followed it quickly behind. He dropped to his knees, watching the red fluid fly above him like rain that wasn't quite sure how gravity worked. It was pretty though. He smiled and his eyes rolled down into the back of his head. He fell forwards and landed with all the grace of a stone. [@Crimson Lion] The man sighed, and shrugged his shoulders. "Oh well." He let himself plop on the ground next to the swordsman and watched the last bits of the fight unfold. "Just as well. It looks like you guys are going to just about finish off that damn Legion pirate group so even if it takes a bit longer to rebuild my pub, it'll be worth it."