[@Rafiel_purewing] [@Blueflame] I looked at his outstretched hand and took a deep breath. "Calm down, Joe. Freaking out, it isn't going to help anything." I thought, I grabbed his hand and shook it. "My name's Joe, I'm a college student. I was returning home from my shift at the university's library, and fell asleep on the bus, then I just woke up in one, so... I thought it was the same one and had been driven somewhere, but... I guess that isn't the case." I said. Then my blood ran cold when I heard Freddy say those words. My grip on his hand tightened a little as I stared at the animatronic. "That's... he's Freddy Fazbear, an antagonist from a game series called Five Nights at Freddy's. If he catches you, he'll put you inside of an animatronic suit, because of the design of the suit, it'll mangle you. To make a very long and confusing story short, there is a soul inside of it, a vengeful soul of a child that was murdered by one of the owners of the pizzeria chain." I said, glancing between Gaster and Freddy.