[quote=@Dragonydas] Alright... Let me just place a quick post here... XD [hider=Sean Leddy] [center] [b][color=f26522]Name[/color][/b] Sean Leddy [b][color=f26522]Age[/color][/b] 28 [b][color=f26522]Appearance[/color][/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/66/aa/7a/66aa7a7b6149ac1c559a454ea9012054--sexy-anime-guys-hot-anime.jpg[/img] [b][color=f26522]Height[/color][/b] 5'11'' [b][color=f26522]Weight[/color][/b] 153 [b][color=f26522]Likes[/color][/b] Anime Games (especially strategy) Comics Cosplay [b][color=f26522]Dislikes[/color][/b] Cheese Boredom [b][color=f26522]Zodiac Sign[/color][/b] Capricorn [b][color=f26522]Special Talent[/color][/b] Very good imagination [b][color=f26522]Profession[/color][/b] Game Designer working at home [b][color=f26522]Bio/Personality[/color][/b] Very hardworking individual. Usually calm but can have a temper if things don't go as he plans, especially if it's someone else's fault. Loves to let his imagination run free, sometimes telling innocent lies to people that he meets. Slightly introvert, but likes to have a beer with friends from time to time, although he usually just plays games while the others speak. He is also very shy. Prefers to meet people from different countries through the internet and doesn't really know how to start a conversation with someone face to face. [b][color=f26522]Your character's favorite song[/color][/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bZtCt_Siro (please let me know how to add video to this) [/center] Tell us about yourself: Your age: 28 What part of the world are you from? Portugal How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: About 10 years How often do you have time to post? 7PM to 11PM GMT [/hider] [/quote] Approved on Principle, most of its there and all seems to fit. However il just ask a paragraph or two about there history, maybe little bit about there life or somthing as such. Just give us a fuller picture of your charceter and there life they lead. :) Just run it by [@Pilatus] and add the short section of history and feel free to join in thr fun! Post charceter to CS, and open in IC when ready. Also there is a quick summery on previous page of events and such. A helpful extra ad I know we have a lot of posts.