Hello all! I've really been wanting to do a few MxM RPs lately, and I've come up with a few plots and ideas. -Smut is more than welcome. - If you have any ideas to add or change to an idea please share! -I'll probably be adding and removing ideas every now and then. -If you're uncomfortable at all during the rp please let me know! -I can work with anywhere between Casual to Advanced. -If you get bored with the rp, PLEASE tell me and don't just say that you're busy because I can see where you repy to other roleplays. Just tell me and we can take a break, okay? Ideas: (*character I would prefer to be) -Assassin x Assassin* [hider=Plot]Florida, one of the many places scattered throughout the world where crime and murder seem to take place. As in many of those other places, this is where one of the world's Assassin organizations are located. One assassin(*) thinks that he is one of the best there is, and that he will never require help for any reason whatsoever. However, due to a recent surplus of assassins, all single assassins have been being assigned to a partner. This assassin, being so sure of himself as he is, thinks that this will not happen to him, until the fateful day comes when his employer calls him into one of the many organization buildings and informs him that he will be assigned a partner that day. To this assassin's horror, he finds out that his partner is none other than the brother of the president of the organization. He immediately loathes him, thinking that he was probably full of himself just because he was related to the president. Now, he has to try and learn how to work as a team, and he certainly has trouble doing so. ((For this one I'm very flexible on the plot and time period in which it takes place, in case you may be interested in this one!))[/hider] -Demon x Demon Hunter* [hider=Plot]Within the great community of New York City, humans are not the only things to roam the streets and live out their daily lives. Hidden in the shadows of society, day and night, demons roam and blend into the community. There is one demon who has slowly formed a pattern in which they seek out their prey; go to a club late at night, find someone of great interest, and lure them outside and to a hotel of some sort. His actions have slowly become more prominent, and Hunter organizations throughout the country has begun to notice him. Deeming this particular demon enough of a threat, they sent out one of their top demon hunters(*) to track him down and eliminate him. There is only one thing that makes this a bit complicated. The demon and the demon hunter are childhood friends, having gone all the way through high-school together before the demon disappeared. Now, after quite a few encounters with his target, this hunter is unsure whether or not he can do the job.[/hider] -Model x Artist* (WOULD LOVE FOR SOMEONE TO TAKE ME UP ON THIS ONE) [hider=Plot] Paris, France. One of the most artistic and romantic places on earth. Or, for one particular artist(*), only artistic. Having lived in Paris all his life, this artist had seen many things; people falling love, people cheating on said love one, murder, stealing, etc. He had eventually come to the decision, after much observing, that human beings were terrible things. After coming to this decision, he shunned almost anyone he met, only having a few friends and dedicating his whole life to his artwork. Now being a fairly well known artists in the community, he is introduced to many new people and plenty of models began volunteering for his work. However, when one model comes along and requests to be a permanent model, things start getting a bit interest.[/hider] -Incubus x Artist* [hider=Plot] So used to gaining the sexual attention of anyone he wanted, an Incubus finds himself stumped when a local artist(*) doesn't so much as even turn his head when he walks by. Somewhat irritated as well as a bit curious, the Incubus poses as a model for his work, desperate to see what made him so different. Was the boy immune? Impossible. Although as time progresses, it seemed as though its the [i]boy[/i] who is the incubus, unintentionally pulling the other in with his strange charm and innocence.[/hider] -Pirate Captain x Scholar* -Vampire x Vampire Caretaker -Cop x Criminal* If you're interested, just post saying so or PM me. So far I only have a general outline of a plot for the first three ideas, but if you're interested in one of the others then I'll give you my general idea and plot line for that one!