[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dCBbPbD.png[/img] [img]http://115.imagebam.com/download/laPP27gPpSyiKKU2vtwDXg/48045/480443064/Crossed.jpg[/img] [h1]Information[/h1] [h2]Lore[/h2] [h3]December 10th 2009, Torrington, Connecticut ...tuned to WKCI-FM 101.3, now breaking information from Torrington square. These are emergency guidelines to anyone still in the area. Citizens are advised to stay indoors, board up windows and keep the door locked and barricaded.[color=9e0b0f] It spreads.[/color] Access to a loaded firearm is ideal. Anyone with a red rash on their face in the shape of a cross must be avoided. Keep as quiet as you possibly can, avoid any unnecessary encounters. Lower power grids are expected to remain off for the time being. A generator or reliable heat source is ideal to stay warm in the winter chill.[color=9e0b0f] It spreads through the blood[/color]. Keep your radios tuned to 167.8 for expected updates from the National Guard. We don’t know when they’re broadcasting, but we expect an update within the next several hours. If you have a vehicle, you are advised to empty its tank for better uses. [color=9e0b0f]The plague is in the blood.[/color] Do not attempt to evacuate through the highway or any major roads in the area. Wait for updates, assess all possible options before you decide to head out. Avoid the main city at all costs, we heard unconfirmed reports that bombs have been set off in that area. That’s all the time we have, keep your family close and safe, this message will repeat for a while until our power is cut.[/h3][/center]