[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180125/e7003af7ee5a6bf4f55c83d4af9d3241.png[/img] [b][h3]Beverly Hills High’s Big Gay Bashing Bonanza[/h3][/b] It’s New Years Eve, do you know where your children are? If they’re students of the illustrious Beverly Hills High then chances are they were at the biggest bash of 2043 - and I’m not talking purely about a party. New Year, Same Story Welcome back all you loyal lovers of honesty, integrity, and the unbiased source of all things excess and depravity - otherwise known as Beverly Hills High. As everyone knows, the Weekend Warrior hears all, sees all, and knows all so when word got out that no one’s favorite group of trust fundees, drama queens, and spoiled silver spooners known to themselves as ‘The Elite’ were throwing a soiree to ring in the new year, of course I had to be there. Because if ever there would be a ground zero for sexually frustrated youths pissing away their parents money on superficial (and highly illegal) substances, it would be there. And I’m sad to say that the beach bound bash did not disappoint. But of course, you all already know. You were all there. You just can’t help yourselves. But while you were indulging yourselves by drinking overpriced alcohol - and not one of you are even old enough to buy it, let alone drink it - or by popping pills in order to work up the courage to engage in three thrust sexual encounters, did you stop to question the point of it all? Of course not. A party is a party. There’s no point to them other than killing brain cells, blaring music so overproduced that you’d HAVE to be under the influence to consider it anything other than noise, and awkwardly grinding against a girl so closely that it might as well be considered sexual assault. What if, though, I were to tell you that each and every one of you was nothing more than a pawn in some stupid game of chess put on by those who put themselves at the top of the social ladder by virtue of them being the only ones to bring a ladder to school? For many of you that probably doesn’t even matter. And why would it? You got to go to a party thrown by Henry Green and Damian O’Connor. You got to suck the dick of people who don’t even know your names. Well, that’s high school relationships in a nutshell, isn’t it? Just because you got into the party, don’t think it’ll do anything for you. You weren’t invited because you’re cool or popular or attractive; you were invited because you AREN’T cool, popular, attractive, or even anybody important. This wasn’t a party so much as it was a shot across the bow, the so called Elite taking shots at the girls who have yet to realize they’ve peaked already and will have to settle for a loveless marriage to a spouse that revels in the opportunity to fuck their naive secretary and never have the decency to give them a raise. Was it a lover’s quarrel? A sibling squabble that would put Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII to shame? Do your history homework for that one. The why of it doesn’t matter so much as the intent. The Elite barred the basic bitches and the lollipop lickers from attending, using each and every one of you as ammunition in their petty war. But hey, don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t want some Hail to ruin my evening. She already ruins the school with her being there as is. Did the shunned sorority of sluts take this sitting down? Well there wasn’t a dick waiting for them if they had sat so of course they didn’t. But I’m getting ahead of myself. There was plenty of drama and questionable antics going around long before Owen Lyon assaulted a homosexual student. Ah, there I go again blowing my load before it gets good. To understand just what sort of students Beverly Hills High lets run around consequence free, the ‘face’ of the party? Did anyone see him after the first hour or so? You might’ve seen him at the bar, until he abandoned the post to let a foreigner subject everyone with alcohol poisoning. Why would he do something that draws parallels to indentured servitude without the indentured part? You might be [i]shocked[/i] to learn that the irresponsible Henry Green was busy taking advantage of a little blonde sophomore. You all know who I mean. Eyewitness reports have Mister Green taking little Parker upstairs, and when Parker came out of the bedroom she wasn’t wearing what she went up with. Who would’ve thought that a ‘consultant’ for the ‘Elite’ would be such a deviant. But then, are you really surprised? This is the same person who gave a drug dealer buckets of cash to pass out drugs like they were Skittles. If you’re keeping count, that’s an incredible number of underaged drinking laws violated, distribution of illegal drugs, and taking advantage of the mentally challenged in order to fuel his own desires. It begs the question of just what sort of films his little Film club appreciates. Oh - did I forget to mention that Henry forced the little sophomore into eating a laced pastry? Add drugging a minor to the list of infractions. You may be wondering what about the ‘host’? The one who set it up, put forth the money to get the lavish beach house? What was Damian O’Connor’s role in all of this? Well when he wasn’t trying to take advantage of another foreigner - my oh my am I seeing a pattern here - from France, he was doing what all good quarterbacks do. Folding under the pressure. Remember how I mentioned the fact that Owen Lyon physically assaulted a homosexual student? Damian let it happen. He could’ve stopped it. It wasn’t as if he was blind, but the quote-unquote king of the Elite hid away when faced with a challenge. Did he expect the Basic Bitch Brigade to not show up? They take everything personally, and rather than finding other ways to enjoy their evening - I would’ve suggested they take turns sticking their heads up each other’s asses but that’s an average night for them - they decided to crash the party. Things got heated, because the members of the Elite are easier to blow their top than two virgins on prom night. A good leader, no, a good [i]host[/i] handles shit. But when confronted with the banned sorts, Owen, who was the bouncer of the night, turned to verbal insults (click HERE for the audio) and an assault on Marshall Radley, one half of the Outrageously Gay Drama Queens followed. (Footage: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4578623]HERE[/url]) You would think that the host of the party would stick to his guns, but of course, Damian let them in anyway. Maybe the fading star quarterback should put a helmet on his [i]helmet[/i] so he’d stop thinking with his dick. You might think Owen is solely responsible for the bashing of a gay student, but the leader takes responsibility of their troops. But there was a distinct lack of responsibility at this shindig. After all, would any responsible sort let illegal fireworks go off and set fire to tents where students were inside? That, dear drama fiends, is called arson and last I checked it, too, was illegal. Sure, everyone had a laugh when the occupants of the tents tore ass bareass naked, but then in light of everything is anyone surprised that rich sociopaths laughed in the face of potential serious injury? My question is: where is the punishment? Damian O’Connor and his cohort were complicit or outright responsible for more crimes and felonies than most actual prison inmates. And yet I suspect come the start of term, Damian will be allowed onto the football field with a slap on the wrist. Money walks free. The police turned a blind eye, no doubt bribed by the money man Green himself, so why wouldn’t the administration do the same? And there was so much more that happened that begs the question of moral responsibilities. Fights at the bar. Fights on the beach. Giving drugs to the disabled. I wouldn’t be surprised if some students had to get their stomachs pumped. But you’ll all defend them. Students. Staff. Parents. Because all you care about is that you were there. Those of you reading this who aren’t members of the circlejerk crew of O’Connor, Hails, and Opioid Brycen probably don’t even care since, again, you got to pretend like you mattered enough to be invited to something; but open your eyes and realize that you’re being used. Are these the people you want calling shots? They only have power because you let them have it. It’s the start of a new year, isn’t about time a new way of thinking won out? I say? Don’t let the ‘Elite’ get away with it. Don’t let the N.O.T. walk over you just because they have designer heels and the belief that they can fuck their way out of any situation. It starts with you. The ones who were nothing more than pawns for the wealthy. Don’t let alcohol and drugs blind you. And the next time you see any of the ‘upper echelons’ of high school ‘popularity’ be sure to ask them how it feels to dicked by someone that knows how to make it sting. For those of you who were in attendance at the party and got up to no good, breathe a sigh of relief this time. But don't feel like you're safe. I saw it all. I heard it all. And a public shellacking is only a few keystrokes away. Keep that in mind going forth this year. Or you'll be next in the firing line. Keep your eyes on this page for more about the New Year’s Party. And as always, the Weekend Warrior will be watching. See you next week.[/center]