[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/vtmTCeO.gif [/img][/center] Calvin swore lightly as a small line of scarlet ran down from his index finger to the palm of his left hand. His right hand was wrapped around the pommel of what had once been a sword, and tears ran down his cheeks as he looked at it. It was still sharp, and for half a moment, he felt the familiar pride that came upon looking at any of his creations. He had some brief fancy of driving Alexandria with the twisted and shattered remains of the blade, but the fire was quickly replaced with a deep sense of fear. Calvin, for the first time since he had arrived in Axis Mundi, felt the sort of fear that cowed him from making any decision. He kept Shona’s blade stashed under his bed, held up by some fragile wiring that made sure it wouldn’t rest on the floor. When she had died, he had been quick to scoop it up and bring it back. For a while, it leaned against his wall, but he was quick to realize that it was better kept out of sight for his own sake. He had thought his craft would be perfect for this situation. And yet— The blade bouced loudly off the wall. --- [color=#40E0D0]“We have to get her back, right?” [/color] Calvin’s voice was quiet as he spoke from the doorway. He had just recently joined the group, quietly watching from the exit, but had heard enough to be caught up. He looked around the room sheepishly, trying to avoid making eye contact with Ice. He found himself nodding along with Zach’s speech, and while he wanted to hear Jezebel’s point, he spoke up first. [color=#40E0D0]“Let’s talk with her. We don’t know if this is a hostage situation or something else entirely. For all we know, this could be Nariko trying to get Krista out of here.”[/color] He paused for a moment. The look in his eyes betrayed the words. There was little faith behind his theory. [color=#40E0D0] “We shouldn’t – can’t fight those things. If it gets to that point, let’s just pull back and sort things out.” [/color] He took a moment to look at Aleecia. [color=#40E0D0] “We’re not just gonna make some sort of trade. If you’re going anywhere with that thing, it’s because we have a plan to get you out, alright?” [/color]He looked around the room with a cold glare. [color=#40E0D0] “And that plan doesn’t mean setting up another fucking hit squad!” [/color] He glanced testily at Zach and the other members of the group who seemed prepared to go into another battle. [color=#40E0D0] “There’s other ways of dealing with this than listening to what the god-damn bear is telling us! We’re not putting Krista, or ourselves at risk because we’re itching for a fight.” [/color] He took a moment to stare directly at Monokuma before looking back down, fully aware of the implications of what he was saying. [color=#40E0D0] “I’m sick of it.” [/color]