[@Lyla][@Camey][@Lumiere] Ardella spoke first, and Effie's eyes widened when she mentioned that she had the ability to retain and learn in a sense that Effie noted as "natural". The concept was interesting to Effie, even her own network required regular maintenance to ensure that the information was up to date. A million other questions came to her mind, however Effie took a deep breath. Her quill flew over her notepad as she copied word for word Ardella's response. [color=#00868B][b]"How absolutely fascinating!"[/b][/color] She stopped writing and looked down at the almost incoherent pages, to anyone else it may appear that she had just drawn scribbling lines across the page. Effie looked to Nez who began her own responses. With furrowed brows Effie continued writing, contrasting the seemingly human intelligence that Ardella seemed to possess with the more technological systems under which Nez worked. Although it was quite systematic some elements of the androids computerization mimicked that of the human sub-conscience [color=92278f][i]I wouldn’t even know what’s going on there, hidden away filed which I may never reach…[/i][/color] Effie scribbled intensely then. What benefit would there be in including such humanistic behaviour's in robotic technology? What level of sentience did this synthetic creatures possess? It was an interesting question. Medicinal, psychological and physical benefits could be afford, Effie presumed. Replicating human emotions, diseases and conditions to enable scientists to study cures and treatments. However Effie had a hard time imagining these creatures before her as un-human. She scribbled that down, next to the question "What is Human?". She would need to come up with a working definition during her reflection. [color=92278f][i]You forget things.[/i][/color] Effie chuckled, the way Nez said it reminded her of something Oblos had said to her when she had first started training under him. [b]"Do not forget, Effie, you [i]will[/i] forget everything. It is the responsibility of a good philosopher to catalogue everything they discover. All the things you learn you will immediately write down, later you can reflect and revise. Soon, writing will become as natural as breathing."[/b] She smiled fondly at the memory, never pausing as she jotted down the automaton's words. [color=#00868B][b]"Wow! Thank you ladies. This is a great first start. Now, these points bring around a few more questions, perhaps a bit trickier so take your time processing them."[/b][/color] Effie scanned her notes quickly, the whirring of her eye intensified. [color=#00868B][b]"Now, Ardella, you mention the almost limitless potential of your knowledge and memory banks. Akin to that of a human adult. What level of, uh, sentience, do you presume you possess? That is, assuming we are thinking of "Humans" as solely moral creatures with the ability to learn and grow, how human are you?"[/b][/color] She paused. [color=#00868B][b]"And for both of you, at what level do you believe your synthesis can aid humanity? Do you feel an obligation towards your creators and human's as a whole? Or do you feel independent in your wants, needs and desires."[/b][/color].