[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=D61A66]Finley Alestair[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/1cbsMYiLPp9Ze/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Walking Back To Town[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Finley would have been more upset with Jenna had her own thoughts not run the same course. However, deep inside of her, she knew Declan wouldn't harm anyone. Wolf or not, even if Declan turned wolf and couldn't control it, it was not him that killed the Mayor and kidnapped the girl. [color=D61A66]"Declan didn't kill the mayor. Whatever happened, it wasn't him that did it. Wolf or not. You should know that already Jenna, but I understand your wariness. This is new to me so...gonna need like 40 cups of coffee to process this without it giving me a headache."[/color] Finley would have insisted on taking Declan to the hospital, had it not been evident he was feeling much better. [color=D61A66]"Fine, no hospital, but don't do anything stupid like that again! I'm not losing my new wolf buddy."[/color] She meant it jokingly. It was still going to take her some time to get used to the idea that Declan could be a wolf. [color=D61A66]"We all want answers to questions, so instead of interrogating on the street, let's head to my original destination of the cafe and talk it out there. Sound good to everyone?"[/color] She didn't want for a response, instead making her way. Which was good, as she saw the squad of police cars, with lights on, driving off. It had to be her vision. [color=D61A66]"My vision...it came true. Someone else died. And I couldn't stop it..."[/color]