[color=f7941d][u][h3]Danica Ruzicka[/h3][/u][/color] Danica was dimly aware of the... noise being made. It was distant in her mind, a sort of animal bleat barely heard through the haze of her fading consciousness. She shifted slightly as she felt something touch her, and then... well, it was hard for her to tell. The thing within her was mostly in control, and it had decided that whatever was near could be a threat. She turned over rather suddenly, taking a swipe at the hapless elf with an almost bestial growl... She missed, naturally, she was no less exhausted than before, and any blow she could make was slow, drunken, and lacking in force. She was about to scramble to her feet and perhaps pounce her, or some other similar, violent action but she just... froze. Slowly, she looked from the elf to her hand, noting that it had become a rather wicked claw. She watched it slowly shift back into a less threatening limb now that she'd calmed some. [color=f7941d][b]"I am... sorry. The power, it is... difficult to control."[/b][/color] She said softly. It was a little difficult to understand her, she had a rather thick accent and her face mask wasn't helping matters. In fact, Aramir might notice her clothing was rather strange in general. Unlike the other humans about, her clothes didn't seem particularly warm. Just tattered leather under a tattered cloak. No boots or gloves, and the ends of her sleeves and her trousers and sleeves were torn. Then, of course, there was the blood. So much of it... Most of it around her sleeves and upper chest. She collapsed to a knee for just a moment, and summoning up her strength she managed to stand again. She didn't seem to be, well, injured, but she certainly seemed unwell. [color=f7941d][b]"I must apologize again, but this is the... er... Twi Light College, yes?"[/b][/color] She inquired, placing unusual emphasis on a word, as if unsure of the pronunciation. She leaned in closer to the elf, and went a step forward and began to kneel even closer, her face just a couple inches away. [color=f7941d][b]"Are you from here? There's food, yes? Can you take me to it? I'm [i]starving.[/i]"[/b][/color] She asked question after question, her tone... desperate almost. Pleading. It was a little sad, almost enough to distract from how ridiculously creepy the woman was. Almost. Her eye wasn't helping, the way it seemed to bore straight into one's soul, not to mention its aberrant coloration. There was a hunger, plain as day. Salvation would come in the form of a pair of guards. While they arrived in something of a hurry, they seemed more relaxed when they saw that the woman was not, in fact, currently unconscious. Danica seemed to suddenly feel very threatened and vulnerable, pulling her cloak tightly around herself and averting her gaze, shuffling a bit to put Aramir between herself and the guards. [color=f7941d][b]"I-I wasn't going to hurt her, I'm sorry I'm-sorryI'msorry..."[/b][/color] She muttered, almost whimpering it sounded like. One of the guards seemed to have his face buried in his palm, and the other had this incredulous look on his face... [b]"Uh... Right."[/b] he said, looking around. [b]"She looks... er, healthy, mostly. Can you... take care of her? We have to watch the gates, and... uh..."[/b] Of course, Aramir wouldn't have had to call for them if they hadn't been slacking off in the first place, so it was probably just an excuse to get out of dealing with the crazy lady.