[quote=@ArisenMoon]A Queen also needs political advisors, economic advisors, people who have actually lived with the common folk of her realm, and not just stole every single gold coin they make.[/quote] [color=gold][b]Carmella:[/b] "I take offense at that... ohh, wait. I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about."[/color] [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@ArisenMoon]The only real barbarians are kept well in check by Vrenal. And if it becomes an issue, we know what to do.[/quote] Would the Foronians count as 'barbarians' too? The have managed to form city-states and some level of government, but they do still spend a lot of time killing each other over petty spoils. [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@RoccanIronclad] A Queen wouldn't want to just have random commoners in her court they know next to nothing about the larger world around them, often times the merchants and craftsmen were chosen in their position because they were the closest. [/quote] That would depend on the nature of the provinces from which they came. If one of them were a coalition of free farmers, then their representative would be the farmer who would best represent their ideals in the council. On the other hand, if they were a bunch of marsh dwelling fishermen, they'd probably have a lowborn fish tickler as their representative. It's not necessarily about who would be best for the Queen, more who would be best for their province. [right][color=gold][sub][b]Carmella:[/b] "Or who managed to be tricked into taking the job because none of the rest of her family wanted to do it, and she didn't get a chance to trick someone else into taking on the responsibility in her place fast enough to avoid the responsibility herself."[/sub][/color][/right] [center]--+++--[/center] [quote=@Major Sharpe]Good weaknesses. Accepted![/quote][@OfWindAndRain][right][color=gold][sub][b]Carmella:[/b] " [i]~note to self, get someone to stab the sorceress in the [url=https://static1.fjcdn.com/comments/The+enemy+cant+push+the+button+if+you+disable+his+_7456e15643acb37f05ecc8e4676db8dc.jpg][color=lightblue]hands[/color][/url] as soon as possible...~[/i][/sub] "[/color][/right]sponsibility herself."[/sub][/color][/right] [center]--+++--[/center] [@RoccanIronclad] Added Kagrenan to the political map, on the mountain range to the south of the Crownlands, but north of Laurensia which is on the southernmost border of Viexmeur. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C32cSKU.png[/img][/center]