[center][color=yellow][h3]Lunalel Lightsword and Solana Lightsword[/h3][/color][/center] Luna sighed a bit, of course it was going to be something like this when she planned to get Avaline and Sorcha to get along with each other. [color=yellow]"No, it's fine. I can cook myself. It's just been... A while."[/color] She's hardly cook since she did her last patrol back before she started school. Well, she's watched Maoin enough since then that she'd probably remember. That said, she started listening in to Sorcha's conversation. [color=yellow]"Hmmmm."[/color] She noted that this Otille probably took from Sorcha's treasure horde. She didn't quite remember passing a village on her way there the first time, but she didn't go the other way. [color=yellow]"Huh? So you guys took some from that treasure horde?"[/color] Luna asked, as she butted into the conversation. Sorcha was likely to, uhm, explode at this somehow or another. She'd rather that [i]not[/i] happen. This... Was about Sorcha's treasure cache wasn't it? It sounded like it was. [color=yellow]"Weren't you not worried about anyone finding that Sorcha?"[/color] She giggled a little bit. That was a little bit funny, if she was to be honest. Villagers snuck into the Dragon's Lair while the dragon was away, only to bring the treasure back to said dragon. It was the start of some old comedy. Or, perhaps a tragedy. [color=yellow]"Sorry, this is just a bit funny."[/color] She patted Sorcha's head, hoping to cool her off a bit. [center][color=green][h3]Katherine Lindall[/h3][/color][/center] Katherine did her best to ignore Meowka for now. Uggh, how she hated Meowka on Catnip. It was [i]SO[/i] obnoxiously annoying. Rather, she considered banning it at this point. For now, she just did what she promised. [color=green]"Good, good. That should be good."[/color] Was her words, though she wasn't expecting this woman to have no undergarments on. She could see why someone would be cold. [color=green]"Maybe I'll throw in some panties for free... Just remember to wear them... Maybe wrap your chest with some linens."[/color] Nothing she hadn't seen before, though Meowka was being annoying. [color=green]"Why are you even crying? If you calm down for a minute I'll let you move."[/color] The Puppeteer asked her familiar annoyed. Either way, she quickly, yet precisely took the measurements from the Egyptian woman. Nothing she hadn't done before. The numbers alone said she had a nice body... Nothing Katherine wouldn't mind playing with... But no, she had other plans for this woman at the moment. Plus, she was one of those priestesses. Didn't they usually play that cute, pure and innocent card? Bah! A waste of beauty. Once she finished taking the measurements, she asked Chione, [color=green]"Alright, go ahead and put your clothes back on. That's done. It'll take a little bit, but might be able to expedite them to being finished.... Possibly tomorrow, day after for sure. Simple designs can be done faster. Any preference in color? Design other than easy to move in?"[/color] [color=tan][h3][center]Kozue Komichi[/center][/h3][/color] [color=tan]"You can't move?"[/color] Kozue said, looking Marie in the face. This was fairly easy. In fact, far too easy. Sure, she trained for years to fight these demons, somewhat even cutting her own sense of what was truely beautiful and not because she heard they were rather so... But... This couldn't be what she trained for. No, no. [color=tan]"I win then, I suppose. Not much of one really. You were not at full power, I think. Hopefully it is that way, considering I wasn't even... What? Half serious there?"[/color] She got off of Marie and pulled the demon up to a stand. [color=tan]"Spirit, I thought you said I could find something out about the White Fox here, but all I see is a girl with her power sapped."[/color] She wasn't trying to start anything negative, just stating facts. [color=tan]"Marie, was it?"[/color] Kozue said, turning back to the demon. [color=tan]"I find the current you distasteful to my training as if I wasted my years. When you regain your real strength, come find me. There, I will defeat a full strength demon and prove myself."[/color] She added, turning away and toward Celine. She of course kept her guard up. [color=teal][h3][center]Mugi the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h3][/color] Mugi just watched on as Fia apparently chose her own personal maid. She couldn't help but get possessively get really close to Cynthia when one of the other maids mentioned her. She really didn't know the other maids really well at this point either so when Fia chose the one who spoke, she only just learned the girl's name when she introduced herself. Still, she stayed close to Cynthia.